Tiger by
Go upstairs by
The one with the male symbol by
The one with the female symbol by
Panicking! by LorikFurdin
Magic Water by catprog
Zoo by catprog
The one with the tree chart on it by
The Tree Door by
Why Must We Research Plant Phylums? by Mr.Peaches
The Tiger Door by
Chordate by
Reptiles by
Turtles and tortoises by
Lizards and Snakes by
Large Lizards by
Varanus by catprog
Dragon by
Cards? by
a female symbol card. by
doors by Chris
I Can't Help It! It's so... ahh, you know where I by Mr.Peaches
a male symbol card. by
Sleepy Card by
Left! No, your other left! by underdrag
hoard sweet hoard by Omnikitsune
Snake by catprog
Mammals by underdrag
Great Southern Land. by underdrag
Roo's and wallabies. by underdrag
hopity by Racerboy
Carnivora by
Cats by
Panthera by
Untiger by Won-Tolla
Round Two by Zodiac
Into the darkness by Zodiac
Tip of the iceberg by Won-Tolla
Mindless by Zodiac
Chosen by Zodiac
West by Zodiac
North by Won-Tolla
The Rock Creature by Zodiac
Keeping Going by Zodiac
Give Up by Zodiac
South by Zodiac
Fire by Zodiac
East by Zodiac
Just Keep Swimming by Zodiac
A New Ally by Zodiac
Unpleasentness by Zodiac
West by Zodiac
...and Fall by Zodiac
the trek is not so lonely anymore by jnekomimi
Becoming a Skunk Waitress by Rikki
Lynx by
Canidae by catprog
Fox by Hnhn
Too warm by Nom
Error Correction by Nom
New Location by Nom
Caught by Nom
Enjoy What You Are by Nom
Perissodactyla by catprog
Equidae by catprog
Equus by catprog
Hybrid Order by catprog
Pay No Attention To The Man Berhind The Curtain by Won-Tolla
The Fourth Wall by Zodiac
Monotremata by catprog
Odd-toed ungulate by catprog
horse-like animals by catprog
Domestic Horse by catprog
Flap your wings and fly! by underdrag
For the birds by Won-Tolla
The Falcons by catprog
Accipitridae by catprog
Buteo by catprog
Red-tailed Hawk by catprog
On the other side by catprog
Find a Friend by catprog
Look at the south wall by catprog
Find and press a button by catprog
Resist by catprog
Head to the meeting place by catprog
Look for food by catprog
The other hawk arives by catprog
Talk on the way there by catprog
Go through the trap door by catprog
Green by catprog
"That'd be nice." by catprog
Find It by catprog
Countiune (after translating) by catprog
you find another piece of paper by catprog
Skip this Machine by catprog
Skip this Machine by catprog
Skip This Machine by catprog
Skip This Machine by catprog
Kim Blue Green by catprog
Red Grey by catprog
Yellow by Chrysalis
White by Chrysalis
Red by Chrysalis
Blue by Chrysalis
Green by Chrysalis
Countiune (without translating) by catprog
Yellow by catprog
Blue by catprog
Red by catprog
Black by catprog
Hybrid Classes by catprog
MerPerson by catprog
Unda da Sea - sorta by Won-Tolla
Merman? Oh man! by Won-Tolla
Pegasus by catprog
Insects, arachnids, crustaceans and others. by underdrag
The Itsy Bitsy Spidurrrr... by Mr.Peaches
Amblypygi by catprog
Acarina by catprog
Araneae by catprog
More than you expected. by Chrysalis
Brown Recluse by Anonymous
Eggs? by Anonymous
Opiliones by catprog
Palpigradi by catprog
Hybrid phylum by catprog
(Insert Rock and Roll) by Mr.Peaches
Can my Tigeroo down, sport by Won-Tolla
The Rise of the Battlemaid! by Rikki
The one with the tv on it by catprog
Movie. by catprog
TV by catprog
Anime by catprog
Digimon by catprog
It was Season 2 by Dustomega
Cartoon by catprog
Road Rovers by Akaio
Live Action by catprog
Other by catprog
Doctor Who? by Anonymous
.....Lady?! by Anonymous
Finally Out of the Manison and with a.... by Anonymous
....Lord?! by Anonymous
Console by catprog
Nintendo by catprog
Sony by catprog
Microsoft by catprog
Other by catprog
Sega by catprog
Sega Dreamcast by Prime Metallix
Things are about to get chaotic... by Prime Metallix
Handheld by catprog
Nintendo by catprog
Sony by catprog
Atari by catprog
Sega by catprog
Other by catprog
PC by catprog
Windows by catprog
Linux by catprog
Mac by catprog
Other Unix-like by catprog
Other by catprog
Down In The Basement We Find a Maze by Lifeforce
Twisty Little Passage One by Won-Tolla
Go North by catprog
go west by catprog
You find a room with a metal ball. by catprog
The open on the door you came through by catprog
Red by catprog
Welcome... by Mr.Peaches
The X Phials by Won-Tolla
mix the potions by haladur
Walk Around by haladur
Door 1 by haladur
Gravity manpulations by catprog
Spiral Horn by catprog
Maze Of Mirrors by catprog
$URL Maze/1/95 North/MALE by catprog
back in the mansion. by Dustomega
you got out of the maze. by Dustomega
$URL Maze/1/95 North/FEMALE by catprog
$URL Maze/1/95 South/FEMALE by catprog
$URL Maze/1/95 South/MALE by catprog
$URL Maze/1/95 West/FEMALE by catprog
$URL Maze/1/95 West/MALE by catprog
$URL Maze/1/95 East/FEMALE by catprog
$URL Maze/1/95 East/MALE by catprog
Stay on the ground floor by catprog
Fountain by catprog
You Jumped In (Moron!) by Another Guy Like You
There's something fishy here. by Chrysalis
Stay in the foutain by Curtis
You Walked Away... by Another Guy Like You
Doors, and more doors by Hnhn
Feeling Rattish... by Hank Sheffield
Wait for a momment by catprog
Kitchen by StripeKazama
Turning into a Fox... by nothingsp
A few more changes... by nothingsp
A new friend... by nothingsp
Pursuit and help. by Tsunari
A few more changes... by nothingsp
A new friend... by nothingsp
Mission: Kinky? by Mr.Peaches
Knock out by Umassday
Charge! by
Just hope that you don't need thumbs to open it... by Archerswiftarrow
Give up... by Rikki
Kindness. by Rikki
Distracted... by Tsunari
Choice by Tsunari
A New Friend by Rikki
Your Name... by Rikki
Anthro fox by Draiko
Back to normalish by Leyr
Kitsune by Arogard
Master? by Ai Dungeon
Looking around by Kibaoftheleaves
To the Games Room by catprog
More doors by Hnhn
Transformed from fox to human to rat by Hnhn
The library by Hnhn
Observation room by Hnhn
Fox to human to deer by Hnhn
The Rakatan Temple by Hnhn
Turret room and first test by Hnhn
The first test by Hnhn
Correct answer by Hnhn
A test of morals by Hnhn
So you went back to the beggining of the masion by Hnhn
So you are greedy and think you could leave that easily? by Hnhn
You want wealth? Ok here it is by Hnhn
It will not open by Hnhn
You help him by Hnhn
A test in skills (and weapon choice) by Hnhn
Taking a page from indiana jones? by Hnhn
Incorrect answer by Hnhn
Just go Straight Ahead. by neonsilver
Stray Not From Thy Path oh Brave Explorer by neonsilver
A Different Kind of Lost by neonsilver
What other option is there? by neonsilver
Wolven Nights! by LorikFurdin
Fire wolf by LorikFurdin
Demon fire by Razortail
Oops! by Won-Tolla
An Exit Already! by Bloodwolf
Bad Moon Setting by Won-Tolla
backtracking trick by catprog
Run off by ChargerMain
Another change by Tsunari
Another change by Tsunari
a hall way is behind the door by Hnhn
a forage into the unknown by marissalikesgreenday
Hold the Phone! by Mr.Peaches
Call from the witch by ty
Which witch? by Won-Tolla
Kangaroo? by Black.N. Joe
All By Yourself by Mr.Peaches
An Improbable Cave by Zodiac
Rise and shine by Won-Tolla
The Voice's Choice by Zodiac
The Dream by Zodiac
A silly sense of fashion by Anonamouse
You just put the darn clothes on! by Anonamouse
You needed to warm up some how. by M
A Robed being appears by Hnhn
You find a large pool by Hnhn
Attempt to wander. by White
Mother...... by minerva
TG/ARAP Phase one training begins by CleoKraft
On Second Thought, It's *Really* Cold Out Here. by Mr.Peaches
I hate you, Mr. No-Body by Lupafel
Stable by NovelAi
People always said you were cold blooded. by underdrag
Mmm... Lunch... or dinner... or just a light snack by underdrag
Ouch, my head! by underdrag
?sdrawkcab gnikaeps by Mr.Peaches
On the move by Zelgius
Mythical Life by Umassday
LIGHTNING ROUND!!!!!1 by Mr.Peaches
Lifeline? by Won-Tolla
welcome to the Furance by werebeagle
Cue the Kung-Fu Action Sequence by Chrysalis
Cue the Surprise Dance Sequence! by Chrysalis
Lizard by underdrag
Embarking! by Mr.Peaches
One Man's Passion, One Lonely World by Mr.Peaches
People come and go so quickly here. by Chrysalis
I don't envy the next person who uses this door. by Chrysalis
The Hall of Hooves by Chrysalis
As easy as falling down the stairs by Chrysalis
Which One? by Hank Sheffield
Just an Ape-tizer by Chrysalis
statue of lizard god by pokemoncrater
You don't look a day over 65million years. by underdrag
Earlier by catprog
Triassic by catprog
Lower/Early Triassic (Scythian) by catprog
Middle Triassic (Tr2) by catprog
Upper/Late Triassic (Tr3) by catprog
Jurassic by catprog
Lower/Early Jurassic by catprog
Middle Jurassic by catprog
Upper/Late Jurassic by catprog
Cretaceous by catprog
Upper/Late Cretaceous by catprog
Triceratops by catprog
Lower/Early Cretaceous by catprog
Whoa! by Dustomega
Lunch Time! by Dustomega
I Need a Plan by Lupafel
Avoid the traps at the front door by feder
Egyptian ankh by feder
Onto all fours by feder
Riddles by feder
Collared by feder
No Problems by feder
Tigress Necklace by -
Taking the plunge by iAteTheRamen
Meeting Kieran by iAteTheRamen
Myrio Ridge by iAteTheRamen
New Friends (and Enemies) by iAteTheRamen
Settling Down by iAteTheRamen
Finding Gart by iAteTheRamen
The Truth by iAteTheRamen
Altruism by iAteTheRamen
Not Very Convincing by iAteTheRamen
Time’s Up by iAteTheRamen
Ankh by Ai Dungeon
Look around the room by Ai Dungeon
High Priest by Ai Dungeon
Skunked by -
Female by -