Transformation Mansion
There are many points in the mansion where you will change forms.
The more nights you spend in a form the more your behavior will reflect that form (also the longer you stay at a time the quicker your behaviour changes).
If you change forms your behavior will go to the current state of that form for you.
(e.g you are a tiger for 10 nights , become a dolphin for another 10 and become a tiger again. The tiger form behavior is still the same as is was when you become a dolphin)
You can only spend 30 consecutive nights or 90 total in a form before your behavior is totally that form's behavior.
Also after 300 nights in the mansion, you will become the form that you have spent the most of the last 300 days in (apart from the one you entered in) in its current state.
If any of the 3 previous situations (30 consecutive or 90 in one form or 300 nights total) occur you will then be teleported out of the mansion.
You may also leave at any time through any exit, except the one you entered in. You will leave the mansion in whatever your current state of mind and body
If you leave the mansion by any means you may not come back for 5 years.
To start you off you will receive a transformation into a...
Written by Catprog on 04 July 2004
Hold the Phone!
"Whoa, whoa, WHOA, Mr. Disembodied Voice!" You cry, "How 'bout I choose the 'I leave right this instant and never come back' option? What is this, a sick cosmic game? Forget this, dude!"
You must choose a form--
"I choose to leave!"
You can leave at any time--
"'Except through the door I came in', the one right behind me, the only way I keep my humanity. No thanks."
You step through the doorway unopposed. The mansion sits atop a black cliff. The clouds overhead are lead grey. It's cold. A lone, ragged road traces the razor ridges off as far as you can see. There's probably no other trace of civilization for at least fifty miles, you're wearing nothing but a T-shirt and shorts; it was summertime when you went to bed last night.
There's two options from here; you can brave the mansion again and negotiate with Mr.No Body, or you can explore the manor grounds in search of a car or outdoor phone or something.
What WILL you do?
Written by Mr.Peaches on 10 February 2006
All By Yourself
Clattering gravel crunches under your spongy sneakers as you set off down the drive, determined to leave that mansion behind forever.
...But it's *cold.*
Like, maybe 0 degrees Celsius or less. And it's windy. Then it starts snowing. Cold freezes the sweat on your skin as you hug yourself in the furious winds of the mountaintop. You're wet with melted snow... in this environment, this is a critical blow. You could catch hypothermia in perhaps an hour or less. You cast an eye on the mansion again, suddenly doubtful. Could this be a prank? Or something? You went to sleep in your own bed just last night...
Well, you reason, if it's a prank, they'll definitely stop you before you die.
Fifteen minutes later finds you hugging the rough rock walls of the cliff side road to try and escape the wind, which has only picked up power. Ice water fills your eyes, running down from your snow-caked hair. You can't feel your ears or the outermost skin on your forearms, not to mention your legs. But, blowing on your hands religiously, you press on.
After a half hour passes, you are aware that your condition is critical. Never has winter shown you fury like this. You can't feel anything anymore, and your steps are stumbling. Worse--you're starting to feel warm, one of the most severe symptoms of hypothermia. You've got to find shelter soon, and even then it may be too late!
Written by Mr.Peaches on 24 October 2006
An Improbable Cave
You're about to give up all hope, when you come accross the entrance to a cave. Something inside you--perhaps it's intuition, perhaps you're delusional from the cold--tells you not to go in. That even to die on the frozen mountainside would be better than going into that cave. But you ignore it. The cave means shelter, and shelter means survival. And ultimately, the will to survive outweighs whatever premonitions your snow-addled mind can cook up. You go into the cave.
It's warm in the cave. That's good. The snow begins to melt off of you, and you're overwhelmed with a feeling of safety. Wherever you are, you've escaped the mansion...you can rest here for the night...you can try again tomorrow. The road will be easier by daylight, and besides, maybe the snow will have--
You are jarred out of your reverie by an impossible sound from behind you. It's the sound of a steel door closing over the mouth of the cave. In a blind panic, you rush to the door and try to force it open, to no avail.
"Don't worry about that right now." says a disembodied voice. But not just any disembodied voice--it's the Voice, from the mansion! "The ice from outside must have frozen the door shut. It will thaw in the morning. In the meantime, you can rest in here."
"Let me out!" You scream, making another attempt at the door.
"You'll die if you go back out there. You would have died if you had stayed out there much longer. I saved your life. You owe me that much." You must admit, the Voice has got you there.
"At least tell me where I am, then," you say, trying to sound firm despite an unpleasant realization that's been creeping up on you.
The voice sounds almost mocking: "You're back in the mansion. The mansion does not only exist above-ground. The bit of the mansion you saw on your way out is a tiny fraction of the whole thing. Our towers stretch thousands of feet above the soil. Our tunnels dig thousands of feet beneath it. And throughout the mansion are doorways--portals to micro-universes. Entire galaxies are entirely within our walls! One of our bedrooms has a whole planet in the linen closet! The mansion is infinite, and you are finite. Therefore, you cannot escape it!"
"But you said--"
"I know what I said: 'You can leave at any time.' What I meant was, you can leave at any time, once we are done with you. "
The enormity of it all is staggering. The mansion, for all intents and purposes, is its own universe. You could spend the rest of your life walking and the next cave you duck into would be filled with the same Voice. Speaking of The Voice, the Voice speaks again. This time, its tone is much less menacing. It's condescending and benevolent, almost paternalistic.
"Don't worry about that right now. You must be very cold." On this cue, a spotlight shines on a small, neatly arranged table with a steaming mug of hot cocoa resting on it. "Drink some of this," the Voice says, "it will make you feel better." You obey, and find that the Voice was right. You do feel better. You feel much better. You're still locked in a cave with a disembodied voice in an alternate universe that is trying to transform you, but for some odd reason you're now cool with all that. "Get out of those wet clothes," the Voice says and, once again, you obey. "You must be so very tired." You realize, suddenly, that you are. Another spotlight clicks on, shining on a large, luxurious bed. "Sleep now," says the Voice.
You climb into the soft, enchanting bed, pull the covers over you, and drift at once into a deep, dreamless sleep. You don't even notice the spotlight that's still shining on the bed. You don't notice when the spotlights dim, leaving you in total darkness. You don't notice the mechanical humming that pervades the cave. You don't notice the fact that the bed, with you in it, is slowly being lowered to some other place. You don't notice when the motion stops. You don't notice a single thing, until...
Written by Zodiac on 13 January 2008
The Voice's Choice
You're not sure how long you slept. You're not really sure if the bizarre cave, the the snowstorm, and the mansion were all part of the dream or not. You aren't sure of anything except the sensation of being jerked back to reality by the call of The Voice:
"Awaken." You obey. You're instantly blinded by the bright white light that pervades your new location. As your eyes adjust, The Voice continues. "You have been a bit of an annoyance to us of late. Generally, our subjects play by the rules of the game as we set them out. That's the way it's always been. Of course, we had measures in place in case someone, like you, tried to break the rules, but we don't especially like using them. However, you've managed to surprise us, and we do like surprises...to some extent."
The room is absurdly well lit, and after the cave it's taking quite a while for your eyes to adjust. You're still in the bed you went to sleep in the cave in, but your surroundings have changed. You're in a small room, barely big enough for the bed. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all made of some sort of white tile, with the pattern breaking only at the glass door across from you. Beyond the door is darkness. You can tell, even from under the covers, that the room is cold.
"We have decided, therefore, to give you the following choice. You stated earlier that you did not wish to be transformed. If that is still the case, then remain in bed. Within a few minutes, you will go back to sleep. When you next wake up, you will be in your own bed, in your own form, with your own life back. You will have no memory of this place and no further contact with it.
"If, on the other hand, you'd like to learn more about this place and what we want with you, go through the door. However, by doing so you accept us and our rules. We will, in essence, have total control over your mind and body, and there will be nothing you can do to stop us."
You really should just stay in bed. You can go home, and forget about this nightmare. Yes, that's what this must be, a nightmare. You can stay here and it will all be over. On the other hand...what's really behind that door? What is this incredible place, and most importantly, what's it all got to do with you?
Written by Zodiac on 15 January 2008
A silly sense of fashion
Slowly you lift the covers of the bed. The air is slightly chilled on the bare sections of skin left when you removed your clothes in the room above.
"Cold are you?" the voice says, tauntingly, "We have some warmer clothes for you."
"Where," you summon the courage to say.
"Behind the door." The voice says, "Don't worry, the door won't slam closed, be locked, or even have a hard time opening. No tricks."
Bundling the blankets around yourself for warmth and dignity, you walk slowly to the door. Sections retract into the wall as you approach, giving a slightly futuristic swoosh. As you step through the door swoosh-es shut again, but upon trial it opens again as promised.
In this small, slightly dark area you find a bag of clothes. "Form follows Fashion" is written elegantly in silver leaf on the side. The only problem is, they're girl's clothes!
"Hey!" you shout to the disembodied voice, "What type of sick joke is this?"
"None." it responds, "The plain fact of the matter is that your actions in this mansion determine your appearance. Humans are the only animals in existence to wear clothes so if you wish to stay human you must wear clothes."
"Why not clothes for a male human?"
"We were all out of clothes, so the butler went for some new ones. These clothes were the cheapest. Now no complaining, you either wear them or risk being an animal."
Written by Anonamouse on 22 June 2011
You needed to warm up some how.
"No complaining? I don't want to be a girl! I just want to be warm."
"Very well, warm it is."
You feel a mild tingle building deep within. It spreads out filling you completely with a growing warmth.
"Thanks. It was rather chilly."
"It's not done yet, and I'm sadly sure you won't be thankful when it is. You did agree to play by the rules though, so don't blame me when you aren't human anymore."
You feel a lurch in your gut and double over. The Warmth grows and you feel like you are burning up. Prickles spread across your body, enveloping you completely in a silvery grey fur with black rosettes. You watch as your hands draw in on themselves the nails growing out into retractable claws, the palms and tips of your fingers growing a thick padding. You're left with two very large feline paws as your arms shrink down and realign themselves for quadrupedal motion.
"Ah! What's going on!?"
"Well, you asked to be warm didn't you? I doubt there is a warmer animal on Earth."
You place your paws on the ground for balance as you feel the changes accelerating, soon your legs are following your arms. The hips morphing to your new style of locomotion, the thighs shortening significantly, followed by your shins, your feet elongating and solidifying as your ankles slide higher along your legs, and finally the toes and balls of your feet becoming large paws too.
A loud pop rolls along your back, changing its curves to the more simple and flexible shape of a Large Cat. You feel a building pressure in your backside, the cheeks exposed to the world as a small lump grows from the base of your tailbone. with a few small snaps your coccyx defuses and pushes it's way out, snaking back as it grows with bone, fur and flesh.
Soon you have a well balanced tail nearly a meter long, you stand a mere two feet off the ground, but your stocky body feels strong with it's longer hind and short fore legs built for leaping great distances with ease.
The last changes sweep up your neck and over your face widening your nasal passages, giving you short round ears, a feline muzzle, pointed teeth for hunting. You blink as your eyes become a pale grey, round like any other Big Cats.
You sit back on your haunches confused. "Mrreow?"
"Yes, indeed. You're a Snow Leopard, which will be perfect when you go back outside."
Before you the wall unhinges and slides open. The cold mountain path you had been walking to escape is in front of you. Looks like no matter what you do, you're bound to change. As a newly made Snow Leopard you step out into the cold, but what now?
Written by M on 02 January 2016
The end (for now)