Transformation Mansion
There are many points in the mansion where you will change forms.
The more nights you spend in a form the more your behavior will reflect that form (also the longer you stay at a time the quicker your behaviour changes).
If you change forms your behavior will go to the current state of that form for you.
(e.g you are a tiger for 10 nights , become a dolphin for another 10 and become a tiger again. The tiger form behavior is still the same as is was when you become a dolphin)
You can only spend 30 consecutive nights or 90 total in a form before your behavior is totally that form's behavior.
Also after 300 nights in the mansion, you will become the form that you have spent the most of the last 300 days in (apart from the one you entered in) in its current state.
If any of the 3 previous situations (30 consecutive or 90 in one form or 300 nights total) occur you will then be teleported out of the mansion.
You may also leave at any time through any exit, except the one you entered in. You will leave the mansion in whatever your current state of mind and body
If you leave the mansion by any means you may not come back for 5 years.
To start you off you will receive a transformation into a...
Written by Catprog on 04 July 2004
Turning into a Fox...
As the changes start, you look down at your feet. You toenails have become claws and your feet have begun to reshape into paws. As pads form on the soles of your feet, a wave of reddish-brown fur starts to appear, and slowly crawls up your legs. As the fur grows, it seems to absorb your clothing.
As the change moves up your legs, the bone structure quietly reshapes to match a digitigrade form. Soon the change is at knee level, and your knees suddenly reverse and bend the other way. The change speeds up as it moves up your hips, and you begin to shrink.
As the change reaches your groin area, several things happen at once. Fur shoots up your whole stomach, a tail blossoms from the end of your spine, and you fall onto all fours, no longer able to stand erect. The fur climbs up your back, and reaches your nipples, which disappear into your chest.
As the change reaches your shoulders, the joints alter to fit a quadrupedal stance, and the fur shoots down your arms, covering and changing them almost instantly. In a moment, your arms and hands are vulpine forelegs and paws. The fur covers your head as your face begins to reshape into a muzzle. Your ears move up to the top of your head and become furry and pointed, and your nose flattens out and becomes black and wet.
Your tongue grows longer to fit your new muzzle, and your teeth become sharp and pointed. As the changes finish, you try to say something, but all that comes out is a vulpine whimper.
You are now fully a fox.
Written by nothingsp on 28 December 2004
A few more changes...
As you stand there on all fours, trying to get a grip on what just happened, another wave of changes sweeps over you. The nipples that disappeared only moments ago grow right back, along with two other pairs further down on your belly. You also feel a strange pulling sensation in your groin.
There is a mirror nearby, lying flat on the floor, and you walk over to inspect the results.
What you see shocks you completely. Instead of the familiar organ that you should be seeing between you hind legs, there is an entirely different organ. You realize with a start that you are now female - a vixen! What's more, you are beginning to think like a vixen as well.
Written by nothingsp on 28 December 2004
A new friend...
You smell something new and yet strangely familiar.
You turn to see what you least expected - a handsome fox. He is about your age, and although he is most certainly male, he has the smell of a female fox on him, which smells just like him!
Might it be that he was once female just as you were once male?
You smell a change in his attitude as he notices you, and though neither of you can speak, you can tell that he's beckoning to you. You don't know what to do. Although the female-fox part of you is definitely interested, the male-human part of you is repulsed at the thought. But if your behaviour will adapt to your new form over time, and you're both staying here for a time, what point is there in fighting it? What will you do?
Written by nothingsp on 28 December 2004
Knock out
You run from the fox, trying to get away, but he follows you.
You decide to travel north into a room. The fox stops when you reach the door and whimpers for you not to go in.
You enter, knowing now that the fox will not follow you. As you venture into that room, you sense something wrong. You look around but right when you see it coming, it hits you, knocking you out.
You wake up 15 days later. It appears that what hit you was a blast of electricity, this room is the generator room for the mansion. Being out for 15 days has changed you state of mind dramatically, now half of your mind is the vixen and the other half is your original self.
You leave, only to find the fox waiting their for you. You feel an urge to go over to him, only your original half is stopping you, but you woke up late, it is almost day 16, the time when the vixen mind will have more control over you, but you won't be able to change unless you can get past the fox, and he doesn't look like he is going to move without you going to him first.
So you _________
Written by Umassday on 17 April 2006
Carefully weighing your options you examine the room and the position of the male fox. He's roughly centred within it and there are two other doorways leading out of here. Both appear to be labelled but you cannot make out either one at this range or this somewhat awkward perspective. You have, after all, lost the greater portion of the height that you had.
Clearly turning back is not an option. You could try to fight but its likely he would easily overpower you. As you sit there debating he begins to move closer. Thinking quickly you decide to make a break for it.
Really either door will probably and anything will be better than standing here waiting for the other fox to reach you. You attempt to break into a run but are assailed by a thousand strange sensations emanating from every part of yourself and the environment surrounding you. Its quite a wonder you can manage to remain balanced on four legs at all though it, is clear that you have at least some instinctual basis for it. Indeed the very presence of the growing vixen mentality is one of the strangest factors impinging upon you.
The door is close now, or at least one of them is, you are no longer sure which is which. The sensation of the air in your fur is invigorating and you are slowing gaining momentum but the other fox is closing. You can hear and smell his closing approach. You could move even faster if you give into the Vixen mindset for a little while. However, if you do so you run the risk of losing control and giving yourself over to completely different decision than that which you would make now.
How will you proceed?
Written by on 07 May 2008
Just hope that you don't need thumbs to open it...
There's really no time to make much of a decision here! That fox is at least 55% synced into his form's mindset, and you're really not in the mood to receive anything he might offer.
Add that to the fact that he's faster than you are, and the odds are really not in your favour. However, you're fairly certain that you can make it to the nearest door without him catching you, at no expense to your control over your body.
You increase your speed as much as you can, running your vulpine form ragged. Thankfully, the door seems to be automatically activated, and it opens as you near it.You barely make it inside before the door closes again, and hear a very sickening crunch. It must have malfunctioned, though you've never been so glad to have encountered a broken piece of machinery in your whole life. Just be a guess on your part, but you don't think that male is going to be troubling you any time soon. Male vestiges of your personality are greatly relieved, but your other half seems to want to go back to help out that attempted rapist. Fairly disgusting, in your very male and very human opinion.
You look around the room a bit. It seems rather spartan, square with walls made of what looks like whitewashed concrete and hard wooden floors - not at all like most of the other rooms you had been in. There appears to be a hallway leading out of the corner opposite the one your broken door occupies.
Also, there appears to be a soft blue light coming from the ceiling in the corner to your left. Suddenly you notice something - sitting right in the corner beneath the light is a potion labelled "Tastes like false hope!!"
What an odd name for a potion, you think. Perhaps a trick? Though you are quite hungry after that chase... Decisions, decisions...
Written by Archerswiftarrow on 26 June 2009
The end (for now)