4:461 Exams by lim2357
He got out your grip and started drawing out another magic circle. His eyes were in a trance, completely immersed in drawing it out. This time he drew an incomplete circle with a horizontal line in the middle.
“What’s that going to do?” You asked. You briefly recalled the many diff
4:460 Casting by lim2357
You clapped for him. This was your first time seeing magic in action, “Nice one. Was it hard?”
“Took me three months to master the light spell. Thanks for the compliment,” He said plainly while his tail wagged excitedly. Must have been a while since someone treated him decently.<
4:459 Magic Show by lim2357
An idea came up as you stood up on your hind paws. Lowering your voice to a whisper, you said, “Meet me behind the cafeteria building later. I want to talk to you. One on one.” Your tail wagged with how much more feminine your voice was compared to the past.
The others began to laugh
4:458 Food and History by lim2357
Your two tails sprung to life, curling to give you a warm embrace. You soon stood up, now more interested about the world around you and the magic system in place. It couldn’t be that hard compared to college right?
You spent the next hours reading through the different subjects. Sudde
4:457 Next Page by lim2357
Your eyes began to be teary. You couldn’t tell if it was your sympathy or her frustration that led to it. Your tails settled down to a pause, twitching a little upon touching them. At least you learnt something about this world.
As you flipped to the next page, tears dripped from your
4:456 Diary by lim2357
The green light shone on your body once more, sucking you into a new world of fantasy. Your world seemed to spring to life, where its monochrome grays suddenly were replaced with color. Just for a split moment, you could see the whole world, from its denizens in their medieval castles to the majesti
4:455 Kitsune by lim2357
A bright green color beckoned you, asking you to dive deep into its world. You could hear the spells being fired from it, with mystical creatures and adventurers walking around. But something wasn’t quite right. You could feel your fingers tingling, before getting pulled towards it. Your nails gro
4:454 Starting Reality by lim2357
You stare blankly at the ceiling. Your tired body weighed heavy on your bed. How many nights has it been since you considered jumping from this reality? Ten? Twenty? A hundred? To break out of the monotony of this tiring life.
Work was the only constant as friends drifted apart. Colleagu
4:453 A new costume? by TheGreatJaceyGee
The next few days she would remain locked in Sid’s house, forced to suffer the preparations of the coming wedding. A brighter, more proper dress was fitted on her for the occasion. Bridesmaids selected for her came one day and tried trimming the great excess of hair she had, but found not even the
4:452 Back to the suit by TheGreatJaceyGee
In just a very short amount of time, her curiosity had been satiated and she had to get out of there. At the first chance she turned around and headed down the road she came at a brisk pace, praying to whoever would listen that her skin would be in the place she’d left it. This was a bad idea. The
4:451 Town by TheGreatJaceyGee
Jasmine promised, though it meant breaking the one she’d made to her sister. Jamie’s inexperience with humans meant she wouldn’t ever be able to blend in with the humans, but Jasmine had no such weakness. I’ll just visit and see what it’s like. In and out, no problem. Jasmine would wait un
4:450 Back to the peninsula by TheGreatJaceyGee
Everyone woke up to the rising sun and marched towards the shore with their seal skins in tow. Jasmine, not sure what was going on, followed suit and gathered with everyone at the beach. There they opened the jaws of their skins and stepped inside to pull it over their bodies and assume their seal f
4:449 Rest of the day by TheGreatJaceyGee
No. “Oh yeah, duh.”
Maria shook her head. “If we have to move places again, I’m going to be sick. All these humans nowadays. They spread like the plague. Won’t be long until there’s nowhere else to go.”
Dread made Jasmine’s stomach turn. “Can’t we just tur
4:448 Talking by TheGreatJaceyGee
Laughter from the other girls. “Well, you better go get it, or else you’ll want to make another one right now,” said one girl.
“Yeah,” said an embarrassed Jasmine. “You’re right.”
“You forgot your sack but you brought your skin all the way up here. You don
4:447 Knitting by TheGreatJaceyGee
Knitting? Has Maria knitted anything in her entire life? Have I? So many questions. Oddly enough it was kind of exhilarating, being tossed into a life Jasmine knew absolutely nothing about. Not even the tigertaur realm nor the sphinx world offered this much mystery right off the bat. “OK, OK. I’
4:446 Selkie by TheGreatJaceyGee
“Well, you’re more than welcome to keep it on,” Maria said. “It’d just be a lot easier to walk on your human legs than crawling all the way up here.” She turned around to head back to the rocks. “Whatever. You do you.”
Jasmine laid there perplexed. I have human legs? Wher
4:445 Jasmine by TheGreatJaceyGee
So… is this some kind of mutually beneficial colony or something? I’m not going to get clubbed or mauled if I show up on that beach, right? Nothing sparked any evasive instincts, and that familiar feeling remained. This is where I live, isn’t it? One way to find out. Jared dove back underwater
4:444 To the shore by TheGreatJaceyGee
With nowhere else to go and not wanting to remain exposed on the beach, Jared sought to go over there. Maybe I’ll make some seal friends. It’s been a while since I’ve seen someone of my own kind, and that was a sphinx. He worm-waddled his way into the surf where the breaking waves splashed and
4:443 Seal by TheGreatJaceyGee
Jared ran as fast as his two stubby legs could carry him towards the package. He snatched it out of the sand with the bottom paper rendered see-through from the water and having grains glued to it. It was big and cumbersome in his short arms, but he managed to lug it over to the nearby treeline wher
4:442 The next Suit by TheGreatJaceyGee
I do not want to find out what it’s like to be captured. That grotle had been so confident and unwavering in his service to his trainer. Now that he thought about it, so was every Pokémon in the games and in the anime. If I’m captured, will I lose all my free will? Will I be forced to fight oth