Form: % to Anthro Species: % to Dragon
You hit a mirror.
The mirror shakes and falls of the wall landing on top of you.
As the mirror passes by you change.
The mirror lands on the ground.
You look over yourself and realise you are now a humanoid dragon.
Gender: Male to Female Species: Human
You Don't notice any difference after the mirror falls until your pants are replaced by a frilly dress and you realise you are now female
Gender: Female to Male Species: Human
You Don't notice any difference after the mirror falls until your dress is replaced by pants and you realize you are now male
Gender: Female to Male
You see a handsome male and when the mirror has fallen you realise you are now that male
Gender: % to Female
You see a beautiful female and when the mirror has fallen you realise you are now that female
Age: % to Child(7 Human years old) Form: % to Taur Gender: % to Male Species: % to Deer
You see a male child deer taur standing in a mirror.
The mirror dissolve away.
You realize you are now that 7 year old deer taur looking over yourself.
Written by Tsunari
Age: % to Child(6 years old) Form: Full to Taur Species: Human to Deer
As you step to the mirror, you see a young buck deer centaur looking at you with a smile, and you feel a burn down your spine as the process begins. You feel a bulge grow from the front and the back of your shirt, as two small appendages that you can guess are hooves start growing out of your waist. A couple minutes later you begin to fall over, as your spine extends 90 degrees from your waste. Catching yourself with your finished front hooves, you feel your face growing outward and your teeth change to that which is needed for a grazer. As your face finishes its deer looks, you spot a pair of velvity horns growing out of your head. You hair recedes and is then replaced with a short coat of brown deer hair, completing the transformation...or so you thought.
The kid in the mirror smiles agian, and you notice your entire body shrinking down to the size of him, and your fur coat growing spots. At the end of the shrinking process, you look back at the mirror and see that the mirror is now a reflection of the 6 year old deer taur self.
Written by Kenku
Age: % to Adult(29 Human years old) Form: % to Anthro Species: % to Black Tailed Jack Rabbit
you look into a mirror, and the part of the reflected image that most gains your attention are a set of large ears.. you realize that its a rabbit of some sort. or, more appropriately a Black-Tailed Jack Rabbit.
you feel a sense of weary confidence as a warmth flows over your body. and you realize that you now stand on digitigrade Lapin legs.
your fur is a peppered gray with darker highlights, and so incredibly soft. your face now appears as an adorable muzzle with long whiskers. and you can now see a wide field of view through your widely spaced eyes.
You are an anthropomorphic Jack Rabbit Buck of approximately 29 Human years.
Written by Cathal_Rabbit
Age: Adult(21 Human years old) to Teenager(16 Human years old) Species: % to Human
You see boy of age sixteen in the mirror you feel a wave of weakness as your form matches it
By:Hnhn (admiralredd@yahoo.com)
Species: Human to Wolf Form: Full
You see a wolf in a mirror. Your ears become pointed and travel to the top of your head, a tail grows from your spine and you are forced onto all fours as your hips shift, your face bulges forward and your teeth become canine, your hands become paws and are covered in a blackish grey fur, the travels up your arms and throughout your body, your shoulders shift down ward and your arms become forelegs. You feet become paws as well, you emit a mixture of a human groan and a wolf howl as your body heaves with the final changes
Written by Hnhn of jonathon_redd@yahoo.com
Form: Full to Anthro Species: Human to Kitsune Tails: % to
You hit a mirror and it shatters you began to fell less cold as red fur starts to cover your body. your face pulls out into a muzzle again, and the last thing is a long fox tail grows from you than another, and another until there are 3 of them.
You look at yourself and think how cool you look.
Written by Dustomega of dustinomega
Form: % to Anthro Gender: Male to Female Species: Kitsune to Tiger
You hit another mirror and your fur starts to change color until it looks like a tiger again, and your fox tails fuse together and form a tiger tail. Your head also changes to its tiger form.
You think that is it but you soon fell another change taking place. You soon feel your chest poking out. You look at you chest and see two boobs have formed. You stare at them for a second before looking farther down at your crouch and see your manhood slowly shrinking into you body until it is gone and all that is left is your new female part.
You freak out for a moment before trying to look at the good. You think this might not be so bad, I mean what is wrong with being a girl anyway?
Written by Dustomega of dustinomega
Species: Human to Deer Form: Full
You see a deer in a mirror. You feel a bulge from your behind, you look, there is a deer’s tail growing out, your ears grow longer and move to the top of your head, your nose and mouth bulge forward and fuse together, your index and middle finger fuse to form a hoof, your ring and pinky also form a hoof, your thumb shrinks into your hand, your hand forms into a dear paw, fur travels up your arms, your shoulders shifts, painfully, into more of a downward position, your arms also shift into deer like legs, suddenly you can no longer stand up right as your hips shift, white fur covers your chest and stomach and brownish red fur covers your sides and back, you emitt a sound that was a combination of a deer squeal and a human moan, fur covers your face, your eyes turn dark, your legs thin out and your feet become deer feet, and your knees bend backward, you are now a full dear.
Written by Hnhn of jonathon_redd@yahoo.com
Species: Human to Dog (golden retriever ) Form: Full
you see a golden retriever in the mirror your ears become long and fold downward you lurch forward as a tail shoots from your spin and your hips change, fur covers your body and your shoulder shift downward and your hands become paws. Your feet also become paws and your legs become canine. Your body lurches and heaves as the final touches to your new form complete
Written by Hnhn of admiralredd@yahoo.com
Age: % to Child(7 Human years old) Form: % to Full Species: Human to Wolf
Your ears become pointed and travel to the top of your head, a tail grows from your spine and you are forced onto all fours as your hips shift, your face bulges forward and your teeth become canine, your hands become paws and are covered in a blackish grey fur, the travels up your arms and throughout your body, your shoulders shift down ward and your arms become forelegs. You feet become paws as well, you emit a mixture of a human groan and a small wolf cub howl as your body heaves with the final changes.
Age: % to Child(7 Human years old) Form: % to Anthro Gender: % to %S Species: % to Dragon
When you hit this mirror you see for a second a small anthro dragon as your reflection, than the mirror breaks. The transformation happens so fast you just now see that you are now a seven year old anthro dragon. your sex, however, stays the same.
Written by Dustomega of dustinomega
Age: % to %S Gender: % to Male Species: Full to Raptor
When you hit this mirror you see for a second a male raptor as your reflection, than the mirror breaks. The transformation happens so fast you just now see that you are now a male raptor. your age, however, stays the same.
Written by Dustomega of dustinomega
Species: Human to Fox Form: Full
You see a fox in a mirror and began to feel strange. As the changes start, you look down at your feet. You toenails have become claws and your feet have begun to reshape into paws. As pads form on the soles of your feet, a wave of reddish-brown fur starts to appear, and slowly crawls up your legs. As the fur grows, it seems to absorb your clothing.
As the change moves up your legs, the bone structure quietly reshapes to match a digitigrade form. Soon the change is at knee level, and your knees suddenly reverse and bend the other way. The change speeds up as it moves up your hips, and you begin to shrink.
As the change reaches your groin area, several things happen at once. Fur shoots up your whole stomach, a tail blossoms from the end of your spine, and you fall onto all fours, as your hips shift downward no longer. The fur sprouts up your back, and reaches your nipples, which disappear into your chest.
As the change reaches your shoulders, the joints alter and shift downward to fit a quadrupedal stance, and the fur shoots down your arms, covering and changing them almost instantly. In a moment, your arms and hands are vulpine forelegs and paws. The fur covers your head as your face begins to reshape into a muzzle. Your ears move up to the top of your head and become furry and pointed, and your nose flattens out and becomes black and wet.
Your tongue grows longer to fit your new muzzle, and your teeth become sharp and pointed. As the changes finish, you try to say something, but all that comes out is a vulpine whimper
Written by Hnhn of jonathon_redd@yahoo.com
Form: Full to Taur Species: Human to Deer
You see a figure in the mirror, you feel a bulge from your behind you looked, the was a deer’s tail growing out, your ears grew longer and moved to the top of your head, your nose and mouth bulged forward and fussed together, your legs thinned out and your feet became deer feet, you have become a deer centaur thing.
Written by Hnhn of admiralredd@yahoo.com
Form: % to Full Species: Human to Deer
You see a deer in a mirror. You feel a bulge from your behind, you look, there is a deer’s tail growing out, your ears grow longer and move to the top of your head, your nose and mouth bulge forward and fuse together, your index and middle finger fuse to form a hoof, your ring and pinky also form a hoof, your thumb shrinks into your hand, your hand forms into a dear paw, fur travels up your arms, your shoulders shifts, painfully, into more of a downward position, your arms also shift into deer like legs, suddenly you can no longer stand up right as your hips shift, white fur covers your chest and stomach and brownish red fur covers your sides and back, you emitt a sound that was a combination of a deer squeal and a human moan, fur covers your face, your eyes turn dark, your legs thin out and your feet become deer feet, and your knees bend backward, you are now a full dear.
Age: % to Child(8 years old) Form: % to Anthro Gender: % to Female Species: % to Fox
When you hit this mirror you see for a second a small female anthro fox as your reflection, than the mirror breaks. The transformation happens so fast you just now see that you are now a 8 (human) year old female anthro fox.
Written by Dustomega of dustinomega
Colour: % to Pink
When you hit this mirror you see for a second your normal reflection with some pink for skin, than the mirror breaks. The transformation happens so fast you just now see that you are now a pink version of yourself, you stay the same age though.
Written by Dustomega of dustinomega
Species: Human to Raccoon Form: Full
You stop at another mirror. You look at it strangely, to see if it will do anything. You ponder about it until you saw a small glimpse of a raccoon. You look at the mirror again, and then are taken by surprise as the raccoon tackles you. You get up from the ground and see you've grown fur, your ears have changed, you've grown a 'mask' that is attached to your fur, and yo've grown a vertically striped tail. You then are put on all fours, and you can't go back up on 2 legs. You've officially become an ordinary raccoon.
Written by Rikki of rikkitheblacklion@yahoo.com
Colour: % to Pink
You stop to see a mirror. You investigate it, and you see an image of you, except the skin being totally pink, running at you. Then the image tackls you. You get up, and then look at yourself to see that your skin has changed from it\'s normal form into pink skin.
Written by Rikki of rikkitheblacklion@yahoo.com
Age: % to Child(7 Human years old) Colour: % to Pink Form: % to Anthro Species: % to Rat
You decide to run, and then you skid to a stop when you saw an image of a pink anthro rat, looking about 7, rushing at you. You black out right before the rat manages to get you. You then get, up, holding your head, when you realize that you've grown a snout, and pink rat fur. You stand up, and then see that you also have a tail, completely naked. You've also become a bit older, but you're still a kid. You've become an Anthro 7 Year Old Pink Female Rat.
Written by Rikki of rikkitheblacklion@yahoo.com
Form: % to Full Species: % to Snake
You see a snake in the mirror. Suddenly your arms shrink into your body and your legs fuse together and your body becomes thin. you are now a snake
Written by Hnhn of jonathon_redd@yahoo.com
Species: % to Moose
Deceived by the multitude of images, you mistake a mirror for a passageway and hit it hard.
Inspecting the lump on your forehead, you are surprised when it grows far more rapidly than expected. You are even more surprised when you notice another lump growing at a spot where you didn't hit the mirror.
That's when you realize that the image in the mirror is not you, or any of the forms you've recently been. The reflection has changed to that of an anthropomorphic male moose, complete with a magnificent set of antlers. You feel your own body swirl like colors mixing on a palette, and then all the other mirrors around reflect the same image.
Better get out of here before someone decides to use you as a hat-rack!
Written by Flex of flex.williams@gmail.com
Age: % to Adult(21 Human years old) Form: % to Anthro Gender: % to Female Species: % to Tiger
You continue walking through the strange maze. As you approach this room you see what looks to be a picture, or perhaps a mirror. The form where your reflection would be is an adult female, but with yellowish-orange with black stripes, long straight black hair, and a cat-like face. She wears a slender emerald colored dress.
Behind her, though, you see a reflection of the room around you. You stare at the picture-mirror for so long that you almost feel dizzy. You close your eyes and open them again. As you turn to leave you see the reflection in the mirror move with you. You have become an anthro-tigress.
Written by of
Form: % to Anthro Gender: % to Male Species: % to Kitsune
You continue walking through the maze, wondering if you're ever going to find a way out. You also begin wondering if it's going to be your current form or something else. The thought makes you shudder. You close your eyes briefly and try to shake off the thought. When you open them, you find yourself colliding with a mirror and falling to the ground. You silently wish the light was better in this place. Then you silently wish that it was worse so that you couldn't see yourself in the mirror, slowly changing into an adult male kitsune.
Written by of
Form: % to Full Gender: % to Male Species: % to Fox
You enter this room and look about for any mirrors. You don't see any right away, but then the light is bad. You do see a fur rug lying on the floor. As you step on it, but rather then being a rug, it appears to be a pit of some sort. You sink down into the fur as though it were quicksand. You struggle to free yourself, but you just end up sinking faster. Soon your head is submerged within the fur. You feel disoriented and sleepy, but you know that to close your eyes now would be your doom. You paw and scratch and eventually surface. You crawl out of the pit on all fours, as an adult male fox.
Written by of
Gender: % to Female Species: % to Tiger
You brush an outcropping, and hear a crash behind you. The crash seems to echo through your body, but changes form, to the sounds of a jungle. As it vibrates through your chest, you feel it grow heavier, as a strange sensation also runs through your nethers. You look down, and find you have changed into a tigress...
Written by Sen of
DigimonFamily: % to Renamon Form: % to Anthro Gender: % to Female
To your left you see a faint shimmer of what looks like code in a mirror, just a line down the middle. Yet, as your reflection passes that line of code, you feel yourself change, and see that your reflection has changed to fit; you are now a female digimon; Renamon, to be precise...
Written by Sen of
Form: % to Full Gender: % to Female Species: % to Dog (golden retriever )
You bump blindly into a mirror; reflected in it is a dog that looks quizically at you. As you look closer, so does she, and you realize that you are looking at yourself, your mind in its feral state finally connecting the facts...
Written by Sen of
Age: % to Child(7 Human years old) Species: Wolf to %
A mirror comes swinging down from the roof overhead. You cry out, but find that your voice sounds a lot higher pitched than before, and it comes out as more of a howl. Once the mirror stops swinging, you can see that you have shrunk to a child, the grey fur of your new wolf form soft and smooth.
Written by Sen of
Age: % to Child(9 years old) Species: Wolf to Rat
You feel a fleshy tale grow long, as your snout also lengthens. Whiskers twitch, as you place your now furless paws on the mirror you just noticed. You are now a rat, and a rather cute one for your young age...
Written by Sen of
Species: % to Fox
You feel your fur go soft as a red flash passes by on the left, the mirror slotting into place. You see that you are now a fox, an ear twitching at the discovery.
Written by Sen of
Form: % to Full Species: % to Deer Winged: % to Yes
You emerge into yet another cubical room, undecorated save for a tall rectangular mirror of a distinctly modern and minimalist design hanging on the wall opposite you. Approaching it, you are caught quite by surprise as the glass of the mirror seems to fall out of its narrow black frame, transforming in midair into a sheet of silvery liquid resembling mercury. The liquid falls heavily on your head and back, drenching your fur and coating your antlers.
In shock from this sudden and confusing turn of events, you can only stand there and shiver a little as some of the liquid drips off of you. Looking up, you see that, despite what you thought you saw, the mirror is still in place, and you can see in your reflection that the silvery fluid has now coated every inch of you, completely obscuring your natural fur color and texture under a uniform surface of smooth metallic shinyness. However, as you watch, the metallic surface seems to gain detail and definition, seams and grooves appearing that begin to resemble the joints and surface features of some kind of robot.
At the same time, you begin to feel distinctly chilled as it suddenly occurs to you that this strange liquid metal is not only coating you, but somehow actually seeping in through your pores and under your skin. The chill penetrates deeper and deeper as you can feel your insides harden and transform into mechanical approximations of your natural organs. Before long, however, your shivering stops, and you no longer feel cold. In fact, you don't feel much of anything at all.
Staring back from the mirror is what would appear to be a rough mechanical approximation of a deer, crafted entirely from a single gleaming, silvery metal. Only your eyes seem to have remained unchanged.
Written by Doom of CatDoom@Gmail.com
Form: % to Anthro Gender: % to Female Species: % to Dolphin
You feel your self shifting, and suddenly a fin pokes out of your back. Then, your breasts expand forward as your skin turns a greyish colour.
you are now a female anthro dolphin
Written by Joe of jfakdjf@yahoo.com
Form: % to Full Species: Human to Fox
As you enter the room, your body convulses and you feel youself getting smaller. Your skin grows fur and takes on takes on a redish tinge. Your shortening limbs force you to crouch down on the floor. Suddenly, your nose pushes outwards into a snout. You are a fox.
Written by of
Form: Full to Anthro Gender: Male to Female Species: Human to Tiger
You feel yourself start sprouting orange fur all over your body and a few shifts in weight around your body. You feel a tail push it's way out from your spine and even that start to get covered with fur. Your hands and feet turns into much larger paws with sharp claws to protect your awesomeness growing from your chest. A few extra adjustments, and you are now an anthro tigress.
Written by of
Age: Adult(21 Human years old) to Teenager(16 Human years old) Form: % to Anthro Gender: % to Female Species: % to Fox
As you approach the mirror, you see yourself covered with orange fur with a large, fluffy fox tail. You seem to be younger than you really are; you look more like sixteen than twenty-one.
You look down at yourself, and see that you have changed to match your reflection; You are now a 16-year-old vixen girl.
Written by Friendly Neighborhood Sonic Fan of dfranks_cl@cantonlocal.org
Form: % to Full Species: % to Polar bear
You walk into the room, look into the mirror, and are confronted by a mound of white. A pair of small black eyes blink in surprise before the mirror falls on you.
You start growing immediately. Your head grows wider, your arms and legs bulge with muscle, and your torso expands in all directions. Thick white fur sprouts from your skin. Your hands and feet flatten into huge white paws, black-padded underneath, and sharp black claws grow from what used to be your fingers and toes. Your face bulges out into a muzzle with a flat black nose spread across the tip. The teeth inside are long and sharp.
You stand upright for a moment when the changes stop, bumping your head against the ceiling, then drop to all fours. That's the way polar bears are meant to walk.
All of a sudden, it seems very warm in here.
Written by Chrysalis of chrysalismorpher@gmail.com
Age: % to Child(6 years old) Form: % to AnimalTaur Gender: Female to Male Species: % to Deer
You walk into the room, still unsteady on your much smaller feet, and catch only a glimpse of brown fur in the mirror before it falls over you. The changes start with your feet. Your toes fuse together and stretch into a pair of dainty hooves. You fall forward as your spine stretches and bends strangely, but you catch yourself on a second pair of hooves. An extra waist seems to be forming in your middle. If any of your clothes still fit you in the last room, they don't anymore. You are now some sort of centaur thing and quite naked. The issue of modesty (if that's even an issue as a five-year-old) is solved as brown fur sprouts over your entire body. White spots dapple your back - or backs, rather, both human and deer. You feel one final change between your hind legs, changing you from a little doe to a little buck, and it's over. You have become a very small deer centaur. If you want antlers, you'll have to wait a while.
Written by Chrysalis of chrysalismorpher@gmail.com
Age: % to Child(7 Human years old) Form: Anthro to Full Gender: Male to Female Species: Dolphin to Racoon
The water dries up gradually as you make your way to a different part of the maze. If there was deeper water somewhere, you didn't find it. Instead, you walk through rooms that become darker and darker the farther you go. All you can see in this one is the glint of a mirror on the wall. Your reflection is a short, dark shape, but you can't make out any more than that before the mirror falls on you.
You start shrinking immediately. Whatever age you were, you're going to be a lot younger. Brown fur sprouts all over your body, replacing your gray skin, and your tail shrinks from thick flukes to a striped brush of fur. Ears grow on top of your head. Your nose becomes a proper nose again, though it's still out at the end of a short muzzle. Your hands and feet shrink to small black paws.
When you're done, the room seems much larger than before - and much lighter. Your black-masked eyes can see much better in the dark than before. Looking down at yourself, you conclude that you're a raccoon, about seven years old, and while not completely obvious - looking at your once-more mammalian anatomy - you are female again.
Written by Chrysalis of chrysalismorpher@gmail.com
Form: Taur to Full Age: Child(7 Human years old) Species: Deer
You clip-clop your way into the room to see another mirror. Your reflection looks shorter in this one - another age regression, perhaps? How much younger can you get?
This train of thought is cut short as the changes begin. They don't take long. You feel your torso shrinking, but only the human half. Your arms shrink back into your chest, your chest sinks down into your other chest, and you're back to four limbs again - all legs. Every trace of humanity has vanished; you've become an ordinary deer fawn.
Written by Chrysalis of chrysalismorpher@gmail.com
Age: Child(7 Human years old) to Teenager(16 Human years old) Form: Full to Anthro Species: Deer to Dolphin Gender: Male
You seem to be moving into a wetter section of the maze. Water drips down the walls. The air is humid, and drops of water fall from the ceiling to land in your fur. The mirror is blurry with condensation; you move from side to side, trying to get a clearer look, but all you can make out is a tall gray shape.
Tall, you think as the mirror falls on you. That's good. Probably.
The water from the mirror splashes over your fur. At first, you think that's what's slicking it down, but the process continues until you're covered in smooth, shiny skin. Your spots fade and turn to a uniform gray. You can feel your legs lengthening and bulking out - in fact, your whole body is getting larger and thicker - and soon, you can stand on two legs again. That's a relief. Your front hooves soften and split into fingers. Gray, webbed fingers, with smooth tips instead of fingernails. Your rear hooves just flatten out into a cross between feet and flippers. What exactly are you turning into?
Your face answers that question. Your enormous ears are sucked into your head, your nostrils merge together and slide all the way to the back of your neck, and your eyes shrink under a bulging forehead. You run your tongue over sharp teeth and have a sudden craving for fish. It's obvious now that you're turning into some sort of dolphin thing. Moments later, your tail proves it, stretching out and swelling with muscle until it's as thick as your body. The tip sprouts a curved pair of flukes.
That's all. You stand in the dripping room, a six-foot dolphin with arms and legs. Your fur is gone, and you're fairly sure you're still male, but there's nothing on your smooth underbelly to prove it. Clothes still aren't an issue. You're taller than you've been in a while, but you still look fairly young - mid-teens, maybe. You swish your tail back and forth and wish there was more water. It's nice to be walking again, but you'd prefer to swim. Maybe the water will get deeper farther on.
Written by Chrysalis of chrysalismorpher@gmail.com
Colour: % to Pink
That's odd, you think as you walk into the room. Nothing looks much different about your reflection. The colour seems a little off, but it's hard to tell with night vision...
As it turns out, when the mirror falls on you, that's all it is. There's enough light to tell when your entire body turns a shocking shade of pink. That seems to be all this room does.
Written by Chrysalis of chrysalismorpher@gmail.com
Age: % to Child(7 Human years old) Form: Full to Anthro Species: Raccoon to Fox Colour: Pink Gender: Female
The change in this room is relatively minor. Your pudgy raccoon body stretches out, growing slightly more slender and almost a foot taller. Your ears taper to points, your muzzle grows longer and thinner, and you stand on slender canine paws. It's a pleasant change, however small. It's good to be even a few inches taller. You're still a girl, but you've grown from a tiny raccoon to an seven-year-old fox.
Unfortunately, you're still pink.
Written by Chrysalis of chrysalismorpher@gmail.com
Form: Anthro to Full Species: Dolphin
You splash on through dripping corridors until - finally! - the water starts getting deeper. Waves splash from your toe-less feet. Soon, it's up to your waist, and your streamlined stomach makes a small bow wave as you walk forward. In spite of this, the water stays surprisingly smooth. There's hardly a ripple in front of you. It's almost like a mirror...
That's all you have time to think. A strange feeling comes up through your feet, and you trip and fall into your own reflection.
Well, you think as you sink into the cool water, that's a different way to make a mirror.
The water feels good on your skin. Drips from the ceiling just aren't enough for a dolphin. You flip your tail, now that you're finally in deep enough to use it, and shoot forward faster than you ever could as a human. You don't need to use your arms and legs at all. In fact, you could probably swim better without them...
...Which is good, as all your remaining human limbs choose that moment to shrivel and shrink into your body. All that remain are flippers. You're an ordinary dolphin now, speeding forward with effortless grace through corridors full of more water than air.
This, you think, is the way to travel.
Written by Chrysalis of chrysalismorpher@gmail.com
Age: % to Child(6 years old) Form: % to Anthro Gender: % to Female Species: % to Rayquaza
You walk in the room and sees a mirror, and when you walk towards it, you trip and falls towards it. In the fall you feel yourself change, your fur disappearing and is replaced by scales.
You fall out the other side of the mirror and stands on two legs, looking back you see the mirror is not broken, and you see your changed reflection in it, now being a female, anthropomorphic young rayquaza.
Written by Sck of