Transformation Mansion
There are many points in the mansion where you will change forms.
The more nights you spend in a form the more your behavior will reflect that form (also the longer you stay at a time the quicker your behaviour changes).
If you change forms your behavior will go to the current state of that form for you.
(e.g you are a tiger for 10 nights , become a dolphin for another 10 and become a tiger again. The tiger form behavior is still the same as is was when you become a dolphin)
You can only spend 30 consecutive nights or 90 total in a form before your behavior is totally that form's behavior.
Also after 300 nights in the mansion, you will become the form that you have spent the most of the last 300 days in (apart from the one you entered in) in its current state.
If any of the 3 previous situations (30 consecutive or 90 in one form or 300 nights total) occur you will then be teleported out of the mansion.
You may also leave at any time through any exit, except the one you entered in. You will leave the mansion in whatever your current state of mind and body
If you leave the mansion by any means you may not come back for 5 years.
To start you off you will receive a transformation into a...
Written by Catprog on 04 July 2004
Wolven Nights!
As you step through the door into the mansion you feel a cooling mist wash over you and you fall to the floor as thick grey fur sprouts all over you and you pant softly as a long canine tongue lolls out of your mouth, finally being concealed within a pointed canine muzzle as your ears become pointed and move to the top of your head as you shrink and feel a wagging tail behind you, leaving you a wolf to begin your journey!
There are several doors before you!
Written by LorikFurdin on 25 May 2005
a hall way is behind the door
The hall way goes of into different direction, one to the right the other to the left, one going straight forward and one with stairs. Which do you choose?
Written by Hnhn on 10 October 2008
a forage into the unknown
You pad down the darkly lit stairs and find yourself in another room. The only source of light is from a crackling fireplace. An expensive looking chair is turned towards it, with what appears to be a man sitting in it. You walk over to it, to find him with a spectacle over one eye and a pipe in his mouth. "Greeting." He says, without turning to look at you. "You probably wonder why you are here."
"This is an experiment to see how humans react as different animals. It was funded by PETA, who believes it will give them a better insight into their live and make them appreciate it more. You have chosen a wolf, an animal highly regarded for their beautiful and luscious pelts. Some of these animals are poached and skinned alive. Maybe being a wolf will help you realize how wonderful they are and that they deserve a life beyond that."
Written by marissalikesgreenday on 30 June 2014
The end (for now)