6:174 Angel Arrives with a Fish. by Arbon
While Daniel was moping into her paws the sudden jogging leaps of a woman in tight shorts, a loose muscle shirt, and noisy sandals came clopping under the trees with a fish held overhead. A bright and beaming smile adorns her lips and the sticking sand matted her clothing.
“Hey! We cau
6:186 Air Support by Ashley-natter
You select your kit for air-support. A harness carrying several anti-material bombs, some light armor made of enchanted steel, and enchanted blades on your claws. You love the weird combination of magic and technology from the game.
You reached out to blindly place your hands on the cont
6:203 Outside the building by lulu-illussions
Daniel turned on his heel to look behind. He almost expected to see the three men from his dream, but they were alone. Heavily exhaling, he turned back to the building.
“What is there?” he asked, but some part of him already suspected the answer.
“Truth,” Pammy and Da
6:239 Owl and Spider by FluffyPony
A promise is a bond. A lie is a shackle that weighs down the heart. These were the strange phrases echoing in his thoughts like a catchy song Danny couldn't forget no matter how he tried. The main problem was that these peculiar ravings were so simplistic that they couldn't be anything exc
1:1154 FERAL GIRL PEGASUS by Diethyl
They’re so far away, though. You need to catch up to them! Without thinking twice, you lower your altitude and begin flapping your sizeable wings, but something feels wrong about your pose. As if answering your concerns, your musculature begins shifting one more time. Bones extend, crack and refor
1:1138 First Monster by Picklessauce69
"What is that?" you screamed, following the rushing party towards the beast while your pounding heart and the churning nausea in your stomach told you to do the opposite.
"A ghoul! Their ghastly abominations!" With a hollering call, several more of them attacked, thro
1:1126 Go After Larger Prey by ShatteredBeginnings
You decide to go after larger prey. Though it could be tougher to get you feel fairly confident that you’ll succeed. Tuning into your senses you check what is available and almost immediately the scent of a rabbit catches your interest. Licking your lips you drop to a crouched position and start t
1:1120 Class(Knight) by LunaMoonstone
The broadsword sitting next to the metal armor is life sized, and as you reach to confirm your selection for the Knight class, you’re shocked when your hand actually reaches through the screen in front of you instead of merely touching the icon. Your instinctively pull back in shock, not realizing
2:1045 Get into the battle by Demonicor666
‘No!’ you thought, immediately jumping forward, finding yourself running on all fours. Hissing, you jumped onto the Rhydon’s back.
The grey Pokémon shrieked out in surprise, losing control of his balance. It threw itself to the side, smashing into a couple of boulders. The floor s
1:1114 Back to the tree by Elliott-Moose
You waddle back to the tree, but that’s as far as your stumpy, misshapen legs will take you. You wish you’d thought this through a little better.
Still, this isn’t too bad, especially once you’re lying down. The itching from your scales hasn’t stopped, and your arms are too sho
6:173 An onlooker armed with a camera approaches by Arbon
After that brazen display the entire lakeside seemed to be a bit more relaxed. Groups of people sifted together and chatted back and forth in whispered tones, often turning to point or motion to the massive winged monstrosity that was causing such commotion by its mere presence. Now they had someone
6:185 It Begins by Ashley-natter
The sky is suddenly covered with artillery fire from the positions on Earth, the shells simply appearing out of nowhere and hitting the city with a thunderous roar. The demons are quick to fight back, reports come back from Earth that massive hordes of demons had converged on the artillery positions
6:202 Doesn by lulu-illussions
“Doesn´t it feel familiar?” David continued, as if reading Daniel´s mind. “The windows. Notice the windows.”
Daniel slowed down to pay more attention to the windows of the buildings which they were passing by. Some of the windows looked casual, but some of the ones on the highe
1:1153 ANTHRO GIRL PEGASUS by Diethyl
Feeling your body break through the air, the wind brushing against your fur, the liberty of the skies… it awakens something within your unquiet heart. Taking a deep breath through your big nostrils and filling your beastly lungs with air for what seems like the first time in forever, you tense you
1:1137 Friend and a town by Picklessauce69
"Ack!" You leapt away from the sudden voice breaking the silence on your opposite side. "What the heck? Who are you?" Your eyes found the speaker, a mirror of your strange form, though his fur was midnight black with the dusty sheen of dirt muting its glossy shine. His hands hung
8:68 A Seal by Picklessauce69
Suddenly, from the water came a loud barking grunt. You spun around to see a plump seal wobbling in from out at the water. You squinted, staring as the seal headed straight for you. "W-what the heck!?"
Usually, animals avoided humans at all cost! But this seal was pumping its b
1:1125 Stance Change(Quadruped) by ShatteredBeginnings
The last set of options that lay before you on the screen is your option for stance. You can choose to remain an anthro, become a taur, or even go into a quadruped form. You consider your options carefully; while remaining in anthro form or going into a taur form will allow you to interact with thin
4:221 But which. by Dr.Cynical
All right! But, Who?
1:1119 Stance(Bipedal) by LunaMoonstone
Though some of the other options do seem intriguing, playing as a different gender and species is enough change for one day. You confirm your selection for two-legged movement and finalize the changes, now finding yourself in your new anthropomorphic vixen form.
You spend a moment gettin
2:1044 Stay out of the battle by Demonicor666
“Remember, stay back,” the dark Pokémon reminded, flicking his gaze over to where you were. You nodded your head in agreement. There was no way you were going out there anyways!
Rhydon stomped forward, his right paw beginning to glow a bright blue. This was a familiar move that Abso