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A Seal emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Suddenly, from the water came a loud barking grunt. You spun around to see a plump seal wobbling in from out at the water. You squinted, staring as the seal headed straight for you. "W-what the heck!?"


Usually, animals avoided humans at all cost! But this seal was pumping its body up and down in its wriggling walk straight for you and barking with every second that passed. With rising confusion, you actually just froze in place.


Suddenly, just as it hit the sand, the seal shift and in the sand, something began to happen.


As if from nowhere, tendrils of motions rippled through the air, leaving behind the shape of a drooping sleeve, then a pair of feet that looked like they were cast from an exact copy from the pair now supporting you against the warm, sun-toasted sand.


With each passing moment of the creation, your eyes jolted back and forth from what you could see of the spilled form in the sand and the body that now encompassed you. The toes seemed to the the same size, the skin came out the same peachy hue. The breasts filled in with a familiar heft. "W-what is happening?" You muttered to yourself, trying to piece together the mystery unfolding, while still confused by the seal, who now sat beside the growing skin.


"Is that seal performing magic?"


After nearly two minutes, the seal moved forward onto the skin and sudden seemed to slip into it. Then, the seal changed into a human that seemed like a mirror image of the skin that you now wore.


"You took my skin-" The female said to you, while your bottom lip hung stupidly open.


"I wha- I didn't... This?" You grabbed at your chest, thinking the skin was like a shirt, but your tug instantly pinched and stung.


"That is my skin," The selkie repeated, giving a shake of her head as she strode towards you. "It is okay, it must have bonded with you for some reason. Saw something in you that called to you." She paused, giving a small smile. "Usually, if someone steals a selkie's skin while they are in the water- in seal form- they will not be able to return to their human land form."


She paused a moment, thinking with an amused grin. "At first, I thought you were trying to steal my skin to make me into a wife-"


You dumb expression told her you had no idea what that meant.


"If a female selkie's skin is stolen by a man she must be his wife... We make excellent wives, but we truly belong to the sea. So it never ends well..." She smiled, reaching out for you. "Perhaps, since my old skin claimed you, that means we aren't meant to be something else together than man and wife... especially now-" Her eyes darted momentarily to your crotch.


"But I am sure we're meant to be something else instead..."

Written by Picklessauce69 on 28 November 2016

The end (for now)

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