The broadsword sitting next to the metal armor is life sized, and as you reach to confirm your selection for the Knight class, you’re shocked when your hand actually reaches through the screen in front of you instead of merely touching the icon. Your instinctively pull back in shock, not realizing that your hand has fallen on the grip of the sword and pulled it out as well. The heavy weapon wobbles in your hand, the muscles in your arm tightening as you try to maintain your grip.
You catch a flash of light coming from the screen, but your attention is focused more on making sure you don’t accidentally slice off your foot dropping the very sharp looking sword. Though you missed what happened initially, it’s impossible to miss when fragments of light surround your sword wielding hand, zooming together piece by piece. When they call come together, the light disappears to reveal a metal gauntlet that now covers the entire length of your arm. There’s a split second where you worry if the new weight will be too much to bear, but strangely the only change you notice is the sudden decrease in how heavy the sword in your hand feels.
Now no longer concerned about accidental amputation, you turn toward the screen. The armor looks as it did before, though the gauntlet that’s now on your arm is now missing from the one pictured. The other gauntlet soon begins to glow and fragment, the shards emerging from the screen and covering your other arm in the same pattern as the first did. The kite shield attached to that arm forms as well, and seems to be as equally easy for you to wield as the sword. The pattern of fragmenting and reforming repeats itself with the armored boots, and as they form over your calves you can feel the muscles underneath changing as well. There’s not much change in their size, but they gain a firmness and strength that wasn’t there before, as if they’re accustomed to the heavy weight of the armor adorning your body. The rest of the armor and adjustments to your body soon follow suit until you’re fully adorned in the armor of the Knight class.
You take a few tentative swings with your sword, smiling a little as you listen to the whistling sound it makes as it cuts through the air in front of you. You slide the sword into the sheath on your waist as a new menu prompts you to start your quest.
Written by LunaMoonstone on 09 December 2016