You look at Mordant; you can't believe he just hit on you like that. You look down awkwardly, you don't know how to feel. You don't want to upset Lowtar, he is your friend even if he is a little dominant. You don't feel right betraying him. You know getting into a semi-flirty relationship with his brother will create bad feelings between the brothers and you don't want that. You close your eyes for a second and let out a sigh before raising your head back up in a dignified manner and say "I'm sorry, but I don't think that would be a good idea. I would have to tell Lowtar what's going on, or he might get the wrong impression," you say convincingly adding in a little fake smile. The smile may not have been a very good one mind you, but at least you tried to let Mordant down gently.
The male in blue warpaint looks at you, his expression obviously a little saddened by your rejection. He shakes his head slightly, puffs out some air and tries to appear not shaken by it your reply, "As you~wish my lady," he says as he bows respectfully at you. He quickly turns and heads over to some of the other lionesstaurs, not wanting to show you how truly bummed he is.
You watch him leave and you realize that you feel sad yourself. Your muscles relax. You hang your head down in a little bit of shame but you realize it couldn't be helped. You look down at the bright green grass beneath your paws. You start digging your new claws into the ground, pulling some of the grass up with them just a little bit as your claws yank the grass from its roots. You feel terrible for what you have done. You didn't want to kill a potential friendship with Mordant but you know if you started flirting with him Lowtar would never forgive you and he would be lost to you. You move over to one of the trees near the clearing and lay down next to it enveloped in its shade.
You wrap your front paws under you as you watch members of your fellow species. (Well, the species you are now. You will have to get used to that thought but at least you don't seem to need to worry about cold anymore.) After a short while, every pole in the celebration area has flags hanging from them. Some of he group starts to wrap the beams holding the flags in some other kind of cloth which you take as some kind of ribbon. The new colors are blue, green and what appears to be some kind of purple or maybe even black . It is hard to see the color of cloth as all of the pieces mix together in one candy cane like swirl.
You close your eyes and let out another sigh as you bring one of your paws that have fallen asleep in front of you. You realize you were going to hold your chin in your paw like when you were human. It was just then that you notice you also have a small white tattoo of a feline like eye on what would have been your when you were human. You look at it very very confused, what did that mean, was it the genies, mark? [No it couldn't be, it would mean you and Mordant were connected by something… could it?] You stare at it transfixed for a minute before something clicks into your head, Mordant was like you. He was a human once. This put your mind into overdrive. You begin wondering how many of your fellow liontaurs were transfigured, humans.
With that, you quickly get up, almost jumping to your proper posture before running back to Lowtar's home. You quickly run through the streets, almost not feeling the man-made road beneath your paw pads as you make your way through the small village towards his home, feeling as if you are floating on air.
You almost fly through Lowtar's door, sending it into the back wall with a loud crash. This causes Lowtar to jump to life , he turns and looks at you both groggily and concerned. His head sways just a bit as he tries to force himself into actual consciousness before he says in a slightly sleepy state, "What's the problem, has something happened?" Lowtar hurriedly pushes himself to a standing position, quickly moving over to you - a look of genuine concerned etched in his face.
You look at him painting quite heavily, a little bit of your tongue sticking out the left side of your mouth. Your amber eyes locked on to him excitedly before you say, "Your brother, where did you meet him, what happened. Are you is human too?" with a little bit of both fear and excitement in your voice.
Lowtar arches his brow and looks at you; his deep green eyes locking onto yours before he says, " what's a human?"
You look at him angrily as you borough your brow, crinkle your nose a little bit and scowl at him before saying in a breath filled with attitude, "A human! A man or woman who walks on two legs, the dominant species on earth!" You then flick out your tail in rage. You can't believe he is playing dumb. It occurred to you that he may not know about his brother's former life.
Lowtar looks at you, locks his shoulders pushing close to you and bars his fangs a little bit before he saying in a low growl of a voice. "Don't you snap at me. I have no idea what you're talking about, I've never seen a creature like that!" He releases a small roar.
You sigh and roll your head - a few tiny bones between your shoulders and your front legs click with the movement. You begin to move away from Lowtar before replying sadly in a soft voice, "Never mind… I guess you don't know. But now there are so many more questions." You still can't remember a lot about your past; you can't remember who you were, you can't remember your name, you can't remember your birthday, you can't even remember your mom's face. You move into a corner of Lowtar's home and kind of just collapsed. You lay your head against the soft wood floor and begin to sniffle.
Now everything is confusing, you don't know what to do. You feel as if you are beginning to lose yourself altogether. Lowtar looks concerned as he softly comes up behind you. He puts one of his front paws on your lower back looking at you sadly for a second before he says, "What happened out there, why are you so upset?" He lays down next to you giving you a look a parent might have when trying to comfort his child. He is doing his best to comfort you though it is clear he has no idea what to say.
"I can't… I can't remember anything, and I have that same tattoo on my… on my fore paw, your brother does, but I don't know why." You whimper as a few tears drip from your eyes and begin rolling down your cheeks.
Lowtar looks at you for a second then takes a minute to compose what he wants to say. "What tattoo?" he finally questions. He is confused. You look over to him through your slightly wet eyes, about to say something when you notice he had the same tattoo tool. This only makes you feel worse. "It doesn't matter… It really doesn't anymore; I think I… Got all the information I need," you say sadly. You lay there for a few seconds in silence just trying to regain your composure.
It is just then that you feel Lowtar's nose nuzzle you. He is trying to cheer you up, even if he isn't very effective at it. You notice his attempts to cheer you up and begin purring despite yourself.. After a few seconds, you roll over onto your side and hug him. You both lay there embracing and you feel better. You are unsure why but being this close to Lowtar makes you feel good, content. You move your head over to lay it on his forearm.
You snuggled with him for what felt like an eternity before he pushes himself up and looks at you saying, "I don't know what's got you upset, not really and I'm sorry you have forgotten your past. But I'm sure…." He then looks away before he wiggles his behind a little bit. “ I'm sure there's something we could do to… Make you feel better." He says with a smirk, the familiar scent of pheromones would start filling the small house. You have a pretty good idea of what he is after. You look up to respond to him and realize how good he looks. He does have more square chiseled features than his brother and there is an unmistakable physique of someone who muscled and strong. You find it oddly attractive. You look at him for a second feeling just a little hot and then turned your head away, feeling rather awkward. You can't deny there is something about him you like, something that is satisfying to look at.
[What will you do? Will you give into Lowtar's advances or will you deny him and wait for a better time?]
Written by kamenriderfire on 21 November 2017