You take a second to compose yourself, Lowtar's pheromones begin to fill your nose. You feel the hot sensation between your legs felt when you Mordant made is move but this time it is stronger, more powerful. You close your eyes, lay your head back down against the wood floor, try to regain your composure and filter out the pheromones overwhelming your senses. After a few seconds of fighting your new hormones, you turn your head to look at him. You give him a soft gaze; your beautiful amber orbs gaze upon him.
He can see a shine in your eyes. You move your front paws in front of your and lightly scratch a circle the floor beneath you with one of your claws. You don't really know what to say as so many feelings are rushing inside your head fighting for the right to be what you actually blurt out. After you take another few seconds to compose yourself you look at him and say softly, "I think I know where you're going with this. However there is some sort of… Festival going on a little ways from here. I just met you - going to the festival could be fun," you say ending your sentence with a hopeful plea. You aren't exactly ready to create the beast with two backs with Lowtar but you couldn't deny you feel something for him. Something primal.
To your surprise, he looks at you and smirks before lifting one of his front paws above your head saying, " I was going to ask you to that anyway, but since a pretty girl like you asked me I would be foolish not to accept your request." He playfully bows his head a little bit towards you before holding out his paw, waiting for you to grab it. You look at Lowtar, furloughing your brow again as you try to inspect his face for any signs of deceit. Instead of feeling frightful or even cautious, you feel excited. Even when you were human you did not experience this kind of excitement.
You hold out your own paw for him and he wraps your paw around his own before pulling you up. Once he begins to pull you up, you feel light like a feather as he effortlessly pulls you up. You feel your muscles begin to stiffen as you stand up next to him. You give him a quick glance out of the corner of your eye and let out a slight giggle, something that you didn't plan to do nor really understand where it came from. You shake off the awkward tension and look to Lowtar giving him a small smile before saying more energetically, "Shall we go?" Your tail flicks behind you like a dog happy to see its master.
Lowtar chuckles back and says, “ladies first." He extends one of his paws and opens the door for you allowing you to pass out. You look at him a little surprised. You had heard the expression ladies first, you knew the tradition of men holding the door for women but when you it happens to you, you find it quite nice, flirty, sweet? You can't put words to your feeling but find it to be a genuinely nice gesture. You move out of the house and wait for Lowtar on the side of the street. Taking a second to look at him and again admire his nice strong body. You think to yourself, "Is this what it is like to be in love?” You couldn't really say for certain but you know you were feeling things you had never felt before and you don't really know understand why you do.
Lowtar comes out comes out after you and pulls the door handle with his tail, shutting the house. He moves in front of you and looks back to you with a smirk before saying in a dominant tone, "Come on; we probably should get there before it's dark." He turned his attention away from you and begins looking forward. You normally would be put off by such a command, but there is something ever so comforting about how Lowtar wants to lead the way. You simply nod and follow him back to the clearing. After a few minutes of walking you look to him and ask questioningly, "So… what is up with this festival? Your brother called it a mating festival." You go silent obviously, knowing what part of it was, but all the decorations and the customs were more interesting to you than the final event of the night.
Lowtar chuckles and looks back to you as you continue to walk to the celebration. "This time of year when the females enter heat and we all get together and choose partners. It is our custom that instead of being just romantic time between partners it has evolved into a celebration for everyone where we come to commune with family and friends before the ending the night. It's just festival to meet with your fellow kin and relax and have fun before going back to the common traditions of hunting-gathering and maintaining," Lowtar says in a natural voice. He is trying to be detailed for you so you can follow along because he realized that you obviously don't know any of this.
You let out a small sound as a reply. You think the tradition seems like a cross between Valentine's Day and Thanksgiving or at least some form of harvest celebration maybe? You couldn't say for certain, but you like the sound of it.
When you and Lowtar arrive, you realize that the party has already begun. There are lionestaurs in groups together talking amongst themselves. Over to one-side there is a large wooden table with carved statutes on it. From this far away it is difficult to determine their purpose or what they were really carved to resemble. Next to the table there are some wooden barrels. You put two and two together and realized they have some kind of drink for the night but you did not know if it is wine or some kind of fruit juice.
[Because fruit juice would be something inside these barrels when romance and passion is in the air.]
You follow Lowtar into the clearing where Mordant is chatting it up with a lionestaur. Just by looking at her face you can tell she really isn't into his conversation. Her body language displays her disinterest more than her occasional sound in responses to Mordant . Mordant is obviously desperately trying to win her over. After a few moments of conversation the lionestaur grows bored; rolling her blue eyes, walking away and kind of flicking her tail in Mordant's face in disgust.
Lowtar notices this and moves over to his brother putting one of his paws on his brothers shoulder. "I see Eileen rejected you again; I'm sorry brother," Lowtar says trying to comfort his little brother. Mordant lets out a sigh and hang his head down. After a pause he looks up at his big brother and in a very in a voice dripping with annoyance says, "She does every celebration; I can't say I really thought this time it would be the time I actually succeeded." Mordant takes a deep breath and huffs out before saying, "It can't be helped I guess… though I will mate one day." he says angrily before he notices you standing there.
He looks at you betrays his anger from earlier at your earlier conversation. He gives you a hostile look, though it doesn't appear as overly angry. He looks at you and says, "Hello again Miss, I see my brother got you to come to this thing. I hope you don't feel… intimidated your first time. I know some of the guys here can get a little… forceful when the night begins.” The younger lionestaur says pleasantly enough.
Lowtar looks at his brother before giving a chuckle. "She actually invited me; you're welcome to join us for a little bit while the girls get settled," Lowtar says trying to offer an olive branch to his brother who was so recently rejected.
His brother shakes his head abruptly saying, "No no no brother, thank you for your consideration, but you have a guest. I hope you guys have a fun night you and…" He then silences himself realizing he doesn't know your name. He then looks to his brother and puts his head close to his ear whispering trying to avoid saying something embarrassing to you in public. Lowtar simply says out loud. "I don't think she remembers." He then turns to you and gives you a look before saying. "Do you remember your name?" He says a little more than just casually concerned but not quite seriously worried.
Written by kamenriderfire on 22 November 2017