You look at the form in front of you. You watch as you see the light of the fire coat his upper half of his body in a soft pulsating orange glow. He looks so peaceful you think to yourself, nothing like that dominating figure who sized you up in the trap. You know, however, you will not be able to sleep; too much has happened, too much has changed. Your thoughts simply keep you up. You watch him for a moment ,' it will be better for Lowtar to sleep while you try and clear your head,' you comment to yourself before letting out a sigh.
You push yourself up, using your hind legs first, which are more powerful than your front. It takes you a second to steady yourself, as youare still not exactly used to having four sets of animal like limbs. You then move across the room and out Lowtar's door, your tail flicking behind you as you do. You go back out into the street and see other liontars hustling and bustling about the village. You are surprised that for a village of its size it is still so active, as if its size has anything to do with its level of activity. As you continue watching the activity, you notice that several liontars bring out colored pieces of fabric or cloth. Exactly what these are you can't be certain. Everyone seems to be moving back and forth between their homes and someplace off in the distance. Curiosity gets the better of you and you wander down the streets, in the direction everyone seems to be going.
After a few minutes of following the villagers, you come across a patch of land, where you see a large circle of trees, a rope tying them together in a circle. Three different colors of cloth, red, pink and yellow(maybe slightly orange) are tied on the rope. You look at the display quite curiously, equating it with some kind of celebration decoration.
As you stand there and watch, other liontaurs begin putting things in the middle of the clearing further cementing in your mind that this is some sort of decoration for a festival or something. You hear a chuckle behind yourself and feel a quick slap on the ass, a slightly less extreme version of a whip hitting you. Behind you is Lowtar's brother Mordant still wearing the war paint he wore earlier. "I see you have left my brothers company." He says teasingly as he comes up beside you, giving you a small smirk as he looks at you.
You look at him, your heart racing just a little bit in embarrassment You look down, staring at his paws; once again catching sight the tattoo of the eye he has on one of his ankles. You close your eyes for a second before saying "He went to sleep… I wasn't exactly tired, so I thought I'd have a look around,". You voice shakes a little as you wonder if you will be punished.
To your surprise, Mordant just laughs and says warmly, "It's okay, though I do hope you told him. He has known to have quite the… Intimidating temper,” Mordant says dancing around the words intimating temper as he didn't want to give you the wrong impression of his brother. When Lowtar is actually calm, he was quite pleasant to be around.
Your body locks up in fear, unmistakable to Mordant, though not to you. You then think for a second. "Yeah… I kind of got distracted by looking at everybody go out with colored flags… I probably should've to told him, but I was only planning to go on a short walk," you say stuttering just a bit.
Mordant looks at you and rolls his eyes playfully before he says casually "It's just the mating festival, nothing special. So are you going to attend tonight? I'm sure Lowtar would love to have such a beautiful female accompany him tonight," Mordant says clicking his tongue, unmistakably hitting on you just a little bit. You take a quick sniff of the air, and Mordant's pheromones in the air make you blush.
Mordant, on closer inspection , has just a little bit softer features than his brother; something was a lot less threatening about him you think to yourself. He seems nice after all. You move yourself a little closer to Mordant and look at him awkwardly, feeling just a little bit nervous around him now. "Do you really think I'm pretty?" You say stuttering a little bit, feeling a pitter pattering in your heart that you've never felt before.[Though you've never really been hit on as a male before so there's that.]
Mordant smiles at you and bows his upper body a little bit. "Of course, nice golden coat, nice beautiful amber eyes and a nice chest. The complete package," he says with a more overt lustful tone. He then stomps his front paw into the ground a few times deliberating silently on whether or not to say something to you. After a few seconds, he musters up his courage and looks at you with a lot less dominant attitude and overall posture than before. "Would you like to help me… decorate for the festival?" he says. His shoulders shift uncomfortably as if he is trying to brace himself for your rejection.
What do you do? Do you accept Mordant's invitation or do you go back to Lowtar who also seems to be quite… Interesting to this new feminine form you inhabit. Do you want to risk making him angry by flirting with his brother or do you?
Written by kamenriderfire on 19 November 2017