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Flee emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

drenaline surges as dusk approaches and you've nowhere to go. Descerning that there are several threatening calls among them, you take to the skies to flee. Riding the wind hard and fast you flee with every once of strength. For hours you fly and for hours you feel as though they're right behind you, until you finally begin to run out of steam and are forced to land. The ground is uneven beneath you and as you touch down you lose your footing. The rocky ground tears into your front talons leaving long scrapes across the fronts of your paws. The sudden impact also jerks you forward and turns you end over end. Quickly gaining your ground once more you look behind you to find nothing but clear skies but your instincts tell you to run. So run you do, long, hard and fast. Traversing the ground takes more time then flying did and it's already becoming late in the day. As the sun sets your body gives out under a tree and sleep takes you quickly while the forest sings.

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 27 March 2013

Rest for a few days

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