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Resting emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The next two days come and go with each footstep you take. The grind of the rout sinks into your mind and it begins to unravel. You can no longer hear the forest and are unaware of it's actions, save for any sign of your pursuers. The srcapes along your paws heal but the pain of the fall lingers in your mind, keeping you from flying again. You walk these two days dreaily and at great length, collapsing each night only from the exhaustion of the day. Food is also scarce along your journey as hunting fails time and time again. You feel as though you are not fit enough to survival out here a day longer, and yet, you carry on. As the thirteenth day's sun fades and your paws give out for the final time you think back to the promise of fourteen days. Will you escape this world and it's dangers or become consumed by it's treacherous nature? The darkness of sleep blankets you a final time.

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 28 March 2013


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