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Gone emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Calm embraces you as do the sun's morning rays while you rest. With a meal and another to talk with, today seems wonderful already. As you open your eyes you discover that the other gryphon has left. There is nothing else missing, just her. You're alone with your kill and the forest. The ground clings to the dew before the last of it is washed away by the sun and you find yourself in your eleventh day here now. With only three days left the peril is almost finished, hopefully. You eat your fill and keep yourself out of the sun most of the day until evening when you hear a somewhat familiar call in the distance. You think you've heard it before but can't be sure until it begins coming closer; a threat call from one of your own kind.

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 25 March 2013


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