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You stood and treaded into the woods. Unfortunately this was what you would have to do for the next couple w. Live as a fox. Eat as a fox... You needed to suck it up and deal with it. It seemed you could even control yourself fully when you saw other animals. A fox's instinct would take over and you would attack. It was as if you weren't yourself. You hadn't even thought about when you ate that squirrel until right now, when you were considering eating another one.


You peered around the trees, stuck your face into bushes, and sniffed the air. You couldn't seem to find a trace of any other animal. You kept searching for hours, finally seeing a rabbit hopping through the grass. You crawled over to the unsuspecting bunny, ready to snag it, but you were too careless.


You lost your footing and slid face first into the dirt. The hare hurriedly scampered away out of sight. You lifted yourself up. You snarled at the loss and considered searching for the bunny again, but as the sun started to set you gave up and went back to the clearing with your tail dropping between your legs.


You fell asleep cold and hungry that night.

Written by Vixerlen on 17 February 2018

Both Mimic

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