For the next few days, each time you tried to hunt you couldn't catch anything. Today though, you had an idea. As some of the other adult fox went into the woods away from each other you followed one of the tods. He walked deep into the woods, far away from the clearing where they all slept, seemingly unaware of your presence.
You watched as he slunk around the trees and stayed low to the ground and you tried to mimic his movements. It was a bit difficult to continue walking with your body crouched so low and you stumbled into a tree. The tod shot up from the ground, his ears pointed upward and he stood stock-still. He turned his head and caught sight of you.
He snarled angrily and charged at you, snapping his jaws. You skidded away back to the clearing. You whimpered. Your hunger was starting to get to you. Your head hurt (though that could be from walking into a tree) and you felt weak.
Looking back to the clearing you saw one of the fox return and the vixen and pup who always hunted together leave. You didn't know whether you were foolish or just desperate (probably both) but you decided to try and learn how to hunt from an actual fox one last time today. They distanced themselves from the clearing. The pup stayed close to the vixen until he saw a squirrel running through the grass. He was just about to bite it when the vixen knocked his head out of the way and chomped down on it.
You thought it was strange of the vixen to steal food from a kit, but seeing as how the fox always hunted alone otherwise it wasn't that surprising. The kit whined and his ears were droopy. The vixen searched the surrounding area with her sharp eyes. When she saw movement in a nearby bush she did just as the tod had. With her body low to the ground she slithered over to the rustling bush and waited patiently
A fluffy, grey bunny hopped out. Its long ears flew straight up in terror when it saw the vixen, but had no time to react. The vixen had pounced right onto the bunny, crushing it under the weight of her paws. She rolled it apart as her pup dug at the ground and ate a cricket. So that's how the do it?
Written by Vixerlen on 24 February 2018