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When you turned your head in his direction he jumped away from you and spun in a little circle. Was he... trying to provoke you? He kept keking and running towards you just to turn back around before he got too close to you.


Nothing better to do... You thought. You stood and walked towards the pup. He gives a high pitched growling in an attempt to intimidate you, but you're just amused by his antics. You do a little trot over to him and he once again starts backing away. This time you follow behind him. The kit comes back to you and playfully nips at your feet, so you do the same thing right back to him.


This continues for a while until the other kits decide to join in as well. Now you're the one running away from three cubs as they try to keep up with you. They nipped at your feet and tried to scratch you. You ran and ran faster than ever before. The wind slapped at your face and blows through your fur.


This went on for a bit until the adult foxes returned from the woods and strolled into the clearing. The kits all ran towards the vixens who had more food for them. The eldest kit came stumbling into view with his own critter hanging from his mouth. He and the others began eating and your stomach ached. You looked at the other adult foxes. They were simply lounging around.


Had they already eaten? That would explain why they had been gone for so long. You scrunched up your nose. You didn't want to go out into the forest and eat another squirrel but...

Written by Vixerlen on 10 February 2018

Both Go Hunt

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