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When you open them the feline is slumped over on you with glassed over eyes and a red line under it's neck. The other Gryphon stands over you nudging the large cat off of you. After the cat is removed from the gryphon backs up a few feet and then bows to you. When you jumped you had drawn the cat's gaze away from the gryphon, saving it. The scent that now wafes about seems female. The other gryphon is female and seems to be bowing to you in submission of the meal, apparently greatful for saving her. Making your way to the kill, you tear off several chunks of meat and lay them before her, signifing that she is welcome to the kill. The forest, stirred before by such movement, now quiets and the sun begins to set on this world once more. The gryphon sleeps at your side for the night and neither of you stirr again till morn.


Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 22 March 2013

She is gone

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