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"Your still beautiful, in my eyes, you know that?" Klerios said as he walked up to you. You were human-ish... perhaps being able to pass as a human in a dim light. Your face human in appearance, if not for small horns and lizard like eyes which dominate your feminine features. You turn around to face your mentor, your teacher who is also your mate, your lover. You smile at him as you slowly turn back into a green dragoness proper. You don know will you ever recall your past life but... your happy.


"My mate..." you purr as you approach Kelios and nuzzle him, your muzzles meeting and touching tenderly as you two walk side by side to your cave. You recall happily the first lessons he thought you, on how to hunt, how to transform and how to generally live as a dragon. It is very different then being a human, your sure of that even if you cant recall much of your human life, but you don't complain as your happy with your mate. You still remember how tenderly you first had love with him... and how you first laid three beautiful eggs.


"They're precious..." Kelios says as you rest on his shoulder, you two watching the three eggs which you had made, waiting for them to hatch any time soon.


Written by Luksinatriks on 09 March 2018

Both Hatchings

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