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Hatchings emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"Mhmmm..." you utter in delight and happiness as motherly pride and joy overwhelm your senses. You are happy... You resist the urge to go and fondle the eggs which are shaking slowly, the untapped and trapped life within them stirring as they begin to hatch. "Come on... you can do it... hatch already!" you encourage them and speak tenderly as they shifted and stirred, the three eggs bringing great joy within you as you feel like your radiating happiness, motherly pride taking over every inch of your begin.


"Crck..." a crack appeared on one of the eggs and you feel your heart skip a beat as you grab and hold Kerios, the father of your children, your mate as you have to resist yourself from jumping in and grabbing your still hatching children, choosing to let nature run its course. "Crck..." the crack on the egg widened, followed by the sounds of cracking on the other eggs as well as cracks rapidly became holes, tiny mutli colored scales visible through them as tiny dragon hatchlings push themselves out of the comforts of their tight shells, YOUR hatchlings.


"Oh Kerios... Kerios..." you say with pure joy as your children shed their eggshells, which either cracked completely or gave in under their effort to free themselves.


"gaa?" one of the hatchlings spoke and you and your mate go over them and gently pick all three of them up in your arms. They look at you confused with their big eyes, before melting away with curtness under your warmth, cuddling against your scales for warmth as they purr with happiness.

Written by Luksinatriks on 06 April 2018

The end (for now)

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