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"Well..." he starts. "I will not say that it is impossible, the farthest so far any of us has gotten is having a humanoid anthro form... with some draconic features." He adds and your heart beams with pride. So there was a chance! You radiate happiness, quite visibly so and Klerios notices this. "Well..." he continues. "We can teach you but please know that we ourselves as I said haven't mastered it yet... so please take it easy..." he adds and you nod.


"Now dear, do you have any more questions?" The dragoness asks and your focus shifts back. You answer her honestly.


"yes I do!" you say and you begin questioning them all about dragons. From what do they eat to how do they live. You are fascinated at how they were able to hide so well so far from the modern world. Turns out that all of them here were transformed, as they said they were, but they were not sure were dragons able to procreate normally. Still, that was the last thing on your mind as you soaked up all the information they offered. If you were doomed to be a dragoness you wanted to know as much about it as you could. Thankfully they told you that your natural instincts would help you with your hunt for food and water and that you better find a lair of your own. Animal or not everyone wanted a house and dragons were territorial it seems. Luckily Klerios was kind enough to offer you to stay at his place until you had gotten used to your new form, not only that but he offered to teach you how to transform as well. Days passed, slowly turning into weeks and months as you stayed at Klerios den, opting to stay with him as honestly you found the blue dragon attractive.


Written by Luksinatriks on 16 January 2018

Both Mates

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