You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You decide to get something else. But what?
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
A lamp
You take a lamp. Now what are you going to do with it?
Written by catprog on 05 March 2004
Transformation Genie
Just then, a huge puff of green smoke appears.
The smoke forms the shape of a humanoid, then finally materializes into a turquoise-skinned man who appears to be about 25 years old. You quiver with fear, staring at him (after all, you're not used to seeing turquoise-skinned men appear out of lamps).
"Who has rubbed the lamp of the Genie of Transformation?", the man asks in a light, yet stern voice.
"I-I did", you answer softly.
He steps closer to you and bows. "Thank You, Master, Thank You!", he says as he kneels to you.
He stands. "Yes", he says. "You have released me from the Lamp, and now you may have three wishes.
The wishes carry certain limitations, however..."
"Yes, like what?", you ask again, almost bursting with excitement (having your own genie and all).
"First, there are only three wishes, no more and no less, and this may not be changed by any wishes made. Second, all wishes made by the master should be precisely worded. If the wish is too vague, then I shall choose the remaining factors of the wish. And third, all wishes must be related to the change of the master, or of someone else that the master chooses. In other words, all wishes must be transformative."
Well what are you going to wish for?
Written by on 11 March 2004
I don't need a **** Transformation
"I don't need a transformation thank you very much," you say. "I am perfectly happy as a human". "You can take your conditional wishes elsewhere, you ****".
The genie's eyes widen. "You are going to regret mocking me". " You don't want a transformation, too bad you're getting one.
Written by on 18 May 2004
"You are going to my animal park and help with the breeding programs" booms the genie.
All of a sudden a portal appears and sucks you in.As you go through you get knocked out.
When you awake your in...
Written by on 22 May 2004
You find yourself in the middle of a plain.
All you can see is the plain.
You notice that you are transforming but to what?
Written by on 02 June 2004
Written by catprog on 08 March 2007
Female Taur
As soon as you flip your switches, you hear the genie's booming laugh surround you as if he was everywhere at once. Then suddenly before you even have a chance to truly grasp the laughter itself, a blindingly white light would envelop you. You flail and scream at the top of your lungs, terrified by what was happening. [Because of course why wouldn't you be, you just went into a shop out of curiosity. You never imagined to piss off a gin!] The white light would continue to hold you in a blind confused state, it would feel like an eternity before you suddenly would hit the ground landing with a loud thud.
You hold your head groaning a little bit, the white light and then the sudden fall disorientating you quite severely. It is only just now that you hear the ruffling of tree leaves from a light wind, your nose then would pick out the soft yet faint smell of something cooking over a fireplace. You push yourself up to have a look and see what's around you when you suddenly feel something in your backside, it would feel like something pushing through you. [You don't remember having any bad food this morning, so it's not food poisoning your experiencing.] A tail with a golden tuff would force its way out of your body, it almost second naturely begins to move back and forth on its own. Next you would feel your legs burn as if they were on fire, this causes you to roll around and thrash honestly believing that somehow the genie lit you on fire. The thought however would quickly flutter out of your mind as two hind legs burst from your lower abdomen causing you to scream in pain for a fraction of a second before both the hind legs and what were your normal human legs force you to stand up. Everything would seem relatively normal as you stood up, but you couldn't help but notice the odd sensation that you felt warmer than you did a minute ago. You look around and to your surprise you see not only your tail but four pairs of golden furred legs behind you. Most of your stomach would also be covered in the immaculate golden fur coat you now possess that ends right above your navel. You open your mouth agape and as you realize the genie has turned you into some creature.
You begin to panic just a little bit, but as you do you are unfortunately unaware that your masculine face gently shifts into a softer, rounder, sleeker version of itself. A small yet obviously notable mussel growing from where your mouth and your nose used to be. A new black nose also forms, being more triangular in shape rather than being that fleshy fat thing that use to occupy that space. Your eyes as well turn a nice crystalline amber color and your chest slowly turns into a soft, yet perky set of B cup breasts. After everything was said and done you are able to collect your thoughts and see that you have been transformed into a beautiful lioness taur. Even your arms had grown smaller yet longer, instead of those fat little fingertips you used to have now you were gifted long elegant fingers with claws attached.
You close your eyes and take a minute to think, you had just been through so much but now you were this… Thing. You feel your self start to shake as if you wanted to cry, however no tears come. You let out a long sigh, but it is just then the smell of something cooking over a fireplace catches your new enhanced sniffer. It would be the smell of some kind of meat being gently turned over in a fire causing a nice charred, warm, savory smell to fill your nose. Though suddenly the calm silence of the moment would be broken by a small rustling, your ears naturally flicked in the direction of the sound trying to pick up what it was. It would sound like a small creature scurrying around somewhere behind you. Your stomach would rumble indicating you are hungry, you gently place your hand on it and grumble a bit. Now what would you do, go chase the the creature making noise or try and get some food from the village a little ways away from you?
Each decision had a drawback. You were a new creature, your legs would not feel as strong as they probably should. You are also inexperienced, would you be able to catch the small creatures scurrying around? There would be no way you could absolutely be certain of that. On the other hand the village was a little bit of a walk away, being just visible at the end of your vision. However would its inhabitants simply let you have some of their food? Would they speak your language? Could you even speak in this form? All of this would be uncertain but you knew you were hungry. You had to make a decision and take a step into this new large world that the Genie had cast you off into.
Written by kamenriderfire on 01 November 2017
chase after the creature
You decide to chase after the creature; it's noise too attractive to your ears. You quickly turn, and your back paws dig into the soft grass beneath your feet. You lock your eyes forward, concentrating on the bush you thought you heard the noise coming from. The muscles in your legs begin to firm up and tighten, you feel your heart beating, adrenaline coursing through your veins. You hold your breath for just a little bit before you press your hind legs up sending you into a four-legged Sprint, Your claws coming out of the earth pulling patches of grass beneath them. .As you charge you feel the wind rushing through your coat and to your surprise as you continue running, your legs feel gradually like they are growing stronger. You end up right in front of the bush and poke your head in; your snout effortlessly starts parting the leaves. You look around trying to find the creature you heard, to your surprise, you soon lay your eyes upon the creature. It would be what you would consider a bunny except instead of a regular white or black coat that you would associate a bunny with, this creature had a soft brown coat, with what looked to be red streaks running across its body. You look at it and tilt your head, confused by its strange appearance, but your stomach would soon growl reminding you of why you even started chasing the creature in the first place.
You look at the animal, your eyes shifting away from it in hesitance. However, as you look at it, your hand quickly snaps to catch it.Your claws would wrap tightly around its throat, and you lift it into the air looking at it with a small smirk. You then begin to shake as something in you had just instinctually grabbed a little creature, who was now wiggling around as it dangled from your hand. Screeching in scared anxiety and fear. You could feel the tiny bones in its neck shift as you held it, you could almost feel each shift as it wiggled from left to right trying to get away from your hand. You were barely able to feel it's soft coat against your own, an unfortunate side effect of one furred creature touching another. You look at it watching it writhe and squirm, you then let out a long sigh closing your eyes for a second before you bring your other hand up to its small neck and twist. A series of loud snaps occur as you turn the bunnies neck. After a few seconds, it hangs limply in your grasp. You would open your eyes and look at it, taking in its now lifeless body even in its eyes would be drained of the life you only got a quick glimpse of, now as black as a pair of marbles. You would look at it sadly before letting out another sigh. [It was dead after all, what could you do? Even if you wanted to bring back the creature now, you would have no way of achieving that. Better just to cut your losses and begin to dig in.]
You gently place the creature between your teeth just like creatures you would have encountered in your original home world. You look around trying to figure out where you should take the corpse of your fresh kill. As you look forward you would see a small grouping of trees clumped together, it is then you realize you need to collect some firewood or something to cook the creature. You obviously couldn't eat it raw, as the village across from you was apparently cooking there kills. You let out a sigh and begin to lightly jaunt into the forest, not sensing any danger.
You walk for a bit before finding a nice sunny spot somewhere in the middle of what you're going to dub a forest or at least a small clearing.The sunlight was seeming almost to be a spotlight for the place, as its light gently pushes its way past the tree tops. It appeared to be the perfect place for you to lie down, make a fire and enjoy your first kill. You then began to wonder as you move towards the almost picturesque spot, why you have started to normalize your more animalistic behavior. [Could it be possible that the genie's transformation would start turning rewiring your brain, letting you start to think like the species you were now? Who knows…]
You shake your head and try and clear your thoughts as right now they were not important, what was important was finding food for yourself before your stomach was so loud you could not hear yourself think. You gently walk over to the sunlit spot and drop the bunny's corpse out of your teeth; it falls to the ground with a loud thump. Your tail would flick back behind you excitedly, something about that sound would just make your heart flutter with happiness.you gently roll your neck ready to go further into the woods; you search the woods for a while looking for twigs or other pieces of bark that you can use to make a fire. As you venture further into the woods the smell of the cooking animals from the village would disappear thankfully, not egging your stomach on as hard anymore. You take your time and collect a few pieces of firewood, just enough to create good enough fire to cook the rabbit. You hold the wood close to yourself, occasionally feeling more sharp bits of the broken off wood dig into your chest.
As you walk back to your kill, you feel something gently tug at your foot, before you realize it you are being flown up into the air by some kind of pulley system. It would only be a few short seconds before you was hanging upside down, dropping your wood unintentionally all over the ground below. You look at it both annoyed and scared as you knew you would have to pick it up again if you reach the ground, however, you also knew you were in a trap, indicating that something or someone would soon be coming to collect you.
It would not be too much longer before you would hear a collection of growls and this distinct sound of a group or something quickly charging towards your current position. Pretty soon after a group of three male Liontaurs would move underneath your hanging body. They all looked pretty much the same; all had the same quadruped lower bodies, and golden colored upper half's, the only real distinguishing feature between them would be there warpaint that was present around their face and their upper half. One would have white paint, the other red, and the other a shade of purple or light blue. They would look at each other, the one in blue warpaint saying. "It is a female, not great prey. What shall we do Lowtar?" The Liontaur said both for puffing, his chest inflating a bit before he let out some air, it almost visibly coming out his nostrils. He then looked to the male in red face paint waiting for his response.
That Liontaur had a slightly more square face; he had dark green eyes, and he looked up at you with interest, sizing you up." We cut her down, then we take things from there," Lowtaur said smirking.
The other with white face paint went over behind you to one of the trees, and swiftly cut the rope that was leaving you hanging. You quickly plummeted to the ground hitting it with a loud crash. You then would look up at the three, each one of them you could see more clearly now, they all had big muscles and chiseled bodies as they looked like warriors. Your heart would begin to race as you felt like you was in danger. Each one of them held a spear at their side, the spear was tipped with a silver point looking razor-sharp. Ready to skewer you at any moment.
Now do you try to run, hoping that you would be able to escape them with luck, or who do you try and bargain with them talk it through and save yourself from getting skewered?
Written by kamenriderfire on 07 November 2017
You look up to them tears in your eyes. Still recovering from your quick fall, you say in a small breathless voice. "Please… Please, I beg of you. Don't kill me!” Lowtar smirks at you, puffing out his chest a little bit before releasing hot air onto your face. "I don't want to kill you; it is rare you find a female wandering in the wild. Any sane member of our kin would not take such a rare opportunity for granted.” Lowtar then looks at you, his green eyes staring into yours. " What are you doing here, you do not wear the paint of our people so. You are an intruder, what is your purpose out in our land?" He says. He sinks his claws into the dirt just a bit as he looks at you wearing a stern face,attempting to project an air of dominance and power. You look to him and shake; you can't tell him why you are really here. He would never believe you. Even you don't understand yourself; a shop, a genie, and a machine with switches? Even you would not believe such a tale if you hadn't experience it firsthand.
You push yourself up slowly and gently, the back of your heels pushing into the ground. You then look to the male with the red face paint and say. "I-I I don't really remember anything. I just remember waking up here. When I woke up, I was hungry and went to go get some food. I was just coming back from a kill to make a fire to cook it, and I ended up in your trap. Honestly, I wasn't trying to intrude," you murmur bowing your head trying to be respectful. Your heart is racing so fast that it feels as if it is going to jump out of your chest as you waited for the male in red warpaint to respond, having twigged onto the fact that he was the leader by how the others addressed him.
Lowtar looks at you, his cheeks puffing from one side to the other as he moves his tongue around in his mouth. He then lifts his paw to your head and gently wraps it around your four head. He presses his thumb into the center of your forehead, and you feel warm. He starts to push harder and harder; you let out a little whimper as it felt as if he was trying to break your skull with a single clawed finger.
Lowtar and the other two watch you for a bit before he says," Your scent tells me much; I believe that you did not know whose lands you walk upon. You also do not appear to be a threat so my fellows and I will let you keep your existence. However…" Lowtar then goes quiet before moving his hand down from your forehead to your cheek," I also like the look of you and you will accompany me and my kin back to my village as gratitude for us sparing you for trespassing. Is that clear?" He says moving his face closer to yours almost pressing his muzzle against yours and looking you right in the eyes.
Written by kamenriderfire on 11 November 2017
You look back at him, your shaking returning as you grow more and more intimidated by him as you look at his dark green eyes with your beautiful amber ones. This position he has you in is certainly intimidating. However, you feel something as you look in his eyes, something you can't exactly explain. You start to feel warm again, and you stare at him for just a minute or two. You want to say hell no, run away or make some kind of fuss, say you don't want to come back with them but you can't even remember how you got here. However, a part of you actually does want to see the village, and maybe just maybe ,you can get some more food than just a single rabbit. You let out a long sigh and say, "Sure…I mean I'll… Come with you," you say in a soft voice that comes across more as of a whimper.
Lowtar chuckles and then gently sticks out his tongue to lick your muzzle teasingly." Good choice," he says jokingly before pulling back; the other liontaurs look at him uncertainly. It is evident they do not trust their leader's judgment. [It's not like their leader would have any ulterior motive to bring you along… Now would he?] He then stomps his front leg into the ground and then looks to both of them, silently telling them he's made up his mind and that you are coming with them." Now, this is Como," he says moving one of his hands to point at the male in purplish warpaint." And this is my brother Mordant," he says as the one in white face paint bows respectfully.
You bow respectfully back, as you do you get a good look at Mordent's front paw. It is scraped up and slightly bloodied. Then you notice right above his ankle there is a white paint in the symbol of a small eye with a slant through it. You think it might be a tribal tattoo but can not be certain. You raise your head up and look at Lowtar, "It's very nice to meet every one of you," you say casually. Lowtar wordlessly starts walking back with the others to the village. You look at all of them a little bit confused before you catch on that you are supposed to follow them. You walk with them for a good while, taking in the jungle around you. You hear several different types of birds tweeting and chirping throughout the treetops; you also see several squirrel-like creatures running and jumping along branches collecting what you can only gather to be some type of fruit. After about an hour of walking, you finally arrive at the village. To your surprise, there is a good handful of other Liontaurs walking about. The females wear only what seemed to be grass skirts and grass shirts covering up the private parts of their bodies.
The smell of things cooking over a fire smells even better up close. You close your eyes for a second and take a deep breath to inhale the warm and succulent smell as it fills your nose, you happily start rumbling just a little bit. You open your eyes again and see that Lowtar and his followers have gone a little ways away, you sprint towards them catching up to them rather quickly. Lowtar dismisses his followers by flicking one of his hands at his side. The other two quickly disappear, with his brother looking to you and saying, "Goodbye Madam." bowing a little bit as he moves before he too disappears. Once they are gone, Lowtar leads you into a small wooden building. He steps aside and lets you go in first. The building is just one single room; there is a pelt of some creature serving as a rug, what you would assume to be small bookshelf in one corner of the room, a fireplace at the far side of the room and what looks to be some kind of metal pot next to it. You carefully move inside, unsure because it was a new environment. Lowtar follows you inside and shuts the door before dominantly moving in front of you, bumping against you just a little bit.
"This is your home until you remember what events transpired. You shall stay here with me until then as you don't want any of the others to kill you for trespassing," he says with a low growl before moving in front of your face. "Now tell me, what is your name?"
Written by kamenriderfire on 15 November 2017
You look to him, your head going down a bit as you feel confused. You close your eyes and try to remember. You come to a realization you do not remember your name. Whatever the genie did must have wiped your memory. You look up to him hesitantly and say." I… I do not remember my name is. It must be because of my amnesia," you say, uncertain if he will believe that or not.
To your surprise, he simply smiles at you and grabs one of your shoulders with his hand," Do not worry, things will come in time but until that point you are my guest. Now rest and relax, I shall get you something to eat." He then pushes you down a little bit, forcing you to lay flat on the ground. You look up and simply nod in response. He smiles back at you and disappears for a while leaving you with your thoughts. You began to realize the longer you stay in this form, the more and more you forget. You try to remember exactly what the shop you entered looked like before you found yourself in this whole mess. But now everything is fuzzy. You panic and grab one arm with the other kind of cuddling yourself. You close your eyes only to feel Lowtar shaking you a few moments later, in his hands is a bowl of some kind of broth.
He looks to you and says concerned, "Are you okay?” You shake your head at him and say, "No… It's just…" you hesitate for a minute and turn one of your hands into a fist, "it's just I can't remember anything and that… terrifies me," you say honestly feeling a few tears forming in your eyes.
Lowtar smiles at you and says, "Do not worry, some food and some sleep may do wonders for your head." He then hands you the bowl and leads you to in front of the fire. You both lay down together and eat. You feel the warm fire against your new coat of fur making you even more cuddly warm. You begin to drink your soup but to your surprise it is a rather flavorful brew, it tastes a little bit like sour cream though you have no idea what was actually in it.
You both eat for a while before Lowtar lays his head down on the soft animal pelt, quickly falling asleep. You watch him curiously, as he seems to trust you enough to fall asleep by your side. This man was strange sure, but honestly, you don't know if you felt safe around him, though he seems to be hospitable enough.
Do you lay with Lowtar and get some well-deserved rest, or do you try to sneak out of his home and see what else is around the village?
Written by kamenriderfire on 17 November 2017
You look at the form in front of you. You watch as you see the light of the fire coat his upper half of his body in a soft pulsating orange glow. He looks so peaceful you think to yourself, nothing like that dominating figure who sized you up in the trap. You know, however, you will not be able to sleep; too much has happened, too much has changed. Your thoughts simply keep you up. You watch him for a moment ,' it will be better for Lowtar to sleep while you try and clear your head,' you comment to yourself before letting out a sigh.
You push yourself up, using your hind legs first, which are more powerful than your front. It takes you a second to steady yourself, as youare still not exactly used to having four sets of animal like limbs. You then move across the room and out Lowtar's door, your tail flicking behind you as you do. You go back out into the street and see other liontars hustling and bustling about the village. You are surprised that for a village of its size it is still so active, as if its size has anything to do with its level of activity. As you continue watching the activity, you notice that several liontars bring out colored pieces of fabric or cloth. Exactly what these are you can't be certain. Everyone seems to be moving back and forth between their homes and someplace off in the distance. Curiosity gets the better of you and you wander down the streets, in the direction everyone seems to be going.
After a few minutes of following the villagers, you come across a patch of land, where you see a large circle of trees, a rope tying them together in a circle. Three different colors of cloth, red, pink and yellow(maybe slightly orange) are tied on the rope. You look at the display quite curiously, equating it with some kind of celebration decoration.
As you stand there and watch, other liontaurs begin putting things in the middle of the clearing further cementing in your mind that this is some sort of decoration for a festival or something. You hear a chuckle behind yourself and feel a quick slap on the ass, a slightly less extreme version of a whip hitting you. Behind you is Lowtar's brother Mordant still wearing the war paint he wore earlier. "I see you have left my brothers company." He says teasingly as he comes up beside you, giving you a small smirk as he looks at you.
You look at him, your heart racing just a little bit in embarrassment You look down, staring at his paws; once again catching sight the tattoo of the eye he has on one of his ankles. You close your eyes for a second before saying "He went to sleep… I wasn't exactly tired, so I thought I'd have a look around,". You voice shakes a little as you wonder if you will be punished.
To your surprise, Mordant just laughs and says warmly, "It's okay, though I do hope you told him. He has known to have quite the… Intimidating temper,” Mordant says dancing around the words intimating temper as he didn't want to give you the wrong impression of his brother. When Lowtar is actually calm, he was quite pleasant to be around.
Your body locks up in fear, unmistakable to Mordant, though not to you. You then think for a second. "Yeah… I kind of got distracted by looking at everybody go out with colored flags… I probably should've to told him, but I was only planning to go on a short walk," you say stuttering just a bit.
Mordant looks at you and rolls his eyes playfully before he says casually "It's just the mating festival, nothing special. So are you going to attend tonight? I'm sure Lowtar would love to have such a beautiful female accompany him tonight," Mordant says clicking his tongue, unmistakably hitting on you just a little bit. You take a quick sniff of the air, and Mordant's pheromones in the air make you blush.
Mordant, on closer inspection , has just a little bit softer features than his brother; something was a lot less threatening about him you think to yourself. He seems nice after all. You move yourself a little closer to Mordant and look at him awkwardly, feeling just a little bit nervous around him now. "Do you really think I'm pretty?" You say stuttering a little bit, feeling a pitter pattering in your heart that you've never felt before.[Though you've never really been hit on as a male before so there's that.]
Mordant smiles at you and bows his upper body a little bit. "Of course, nice golden coat, nice beautiful amber eyes and a nice chest. The complete package," he says with a more overt lustful tone. He then stomps his front paw into the ground a few times deliberating silently on whether or not to say something to you. After a few seconds, he musters up his courage and looks at you with a lot less dominant attitude and overall posture than before. "Would you like to help me… decorate for the festival?" he says. His shoulders shift uncomfortably as if he is trying to brace himself for your rejection.
What do you do? Do you accept Mordant's invitation or do you go back to Lowtar who also seems to be quite… Interesting to this new feminine form you inhabit. Do you want to risk making him angry by flirting with his brother or do you?
Written by kamenriderfire on 19 November 2017