Then, you began the long walk to the location marked on the map. Unlike in a game, usually, when you’re merely a player connected into the magical world because your eyes are watching the screen and your hands hold a controller, now you’re constantly in the world.
So, with every step, you cannot plunk a finger on the forward button or tell the movement to follow the trail magically, instead you have to take every single step. You have to physically watch each step swing your foot out in front of you.
You watch the landscape slowly change around you as you walk, constantly hearing your companion trying to make banter with you- which you can never refuse.
As you reach the border of town, and the crumbling sign bids you to “Come right back and buy a sword from Gutak’s Swords- or else yu’ll die!”
You squint in the distance, hoping perhaps you’ll see something fascinating there, but you see only the fade of the details until it looks like nothing but the line of the horizon swallowing up the sliver of the very path you walk on.
“This is going to be a long journey...” You muttered, scowling slightly while the male taur shuffles up closer to you.
“I guess this is a chance for us to get to know one and another, hmm?” He drawls, grinning over at you over one of his furry, black shoulders. You want to roll your eyes, but instead you feel your lashes flutter. “Oh, you’re very right about that, handsome traveler. Starting with your name so I know how to refer to that rugged face when I describe it to the bards?”
Your lashes give another little flutter, you contemplate if the game would let you vomit on the male skunk taur.
“Call me Baal.” He shot back with a flirtatious wink.
You scowl.
“You mean ‘ball’?”
“No, no. Baal.” He corrects you sweetly, nudging his armored shoulder against your own.
Once more, you wonder if it’s possible to vomit. Though, when you try to gag, it doesn’t do anything. “Guess not-”
“Scared about what’s ahead?” He asked, this time his voice falling out in a typical, serious discussion.
You shrug slightly, staring forward as the edge of town starts to fade into the wooded forest region you saw marked on the map with small, bottomless triangles. The thick trunks jut up from the ground, mostly bare with sparse foliage until the very top, leaving the view of the trail’s slight curve up ahead visible. You try to stomp ahead faster to reach the curve, but instead your feet just keep plodding along at the same pace.
Written by Picklessauce69 on 25 June 2017