For nearly a minute, it’s almost peaceful listening to the same repeating clunk, clunk, clunk of his boots hitting the ground, but then there’s a sudden chiming music ominously in the air.
“Oh no! What was that?” He blurted, spinning around on his heels as a massive wolf with raggedly black fur shoots out from the woods, white fangs glinting in the air towards him.
“Can I just let him die?” You ask yourself, but instead your body lunges forward and unsheathes the short, stubby sword you’ve been toting around. You see it glint once in the sunshine before you give in and fully push yourself into the action. Your feet stumble slightly, still finding the mechanics of your body strange even as you wield the slicing weapon.
You thrust it forward, connecting with the side of the wolf’s leg with a piercing yelp. “Good hit!” Baal shouts out, encouraging you just before a second wave of two more of the pack flood onto the path.
“Arggh!!” You holler out a war cry, throwing your sword in a two-handed swing down on one attacker while Baal zeroes in on the second. Together, you throw the furred beasts off of you until they crumple onto the path, wounded and bleeding.
“You’re intense,” Baal interjected as you stood over one of the wolves, huffing to catch your breath. “I like it!”
“Oh yeah? Think you can handle it?” You reply, much to your own horror. Baal winks and chuckles and the banter fades out for a second, letting you fall silent to grumble to yourself as the journey continues.
Now, the path leads into thicker trees. The foliage of green all around starts to engulf the pair of you walking side by side. With each step, you start to hear the rising volume of the sound of rushing water in the distance.
You stop once it reaching a full roaring distinctly to the right.
“Do you hear that?”
“Yeah, sounds like water.”
“Maybe a waterfall?” You logic. “Should we check it out?”
“I don’t know, it’s not on the map.”
“But it would make sense for a thief to take camp beside a waterfall for a water source and for the noise to cover any conversation.” You turn towards the path once more, inspecting the fair horizon before you peer into the woods the direction of the sound.
Which to take?
Written by Picklessauce69 on 29 June 2017