“Oh? Hear that? We might have to earn our stay in the Inn first, yeah?” The male grinned, looking over your ample chest again, but you were happy to go on a life-risking adventure if it meant this interaction would end.
“I’d love an adventure!” You blurt instead, eager to risk your life. “Where did you say the heirloom was taken?”
“Why don’t I mark yar map with where it’s rumored the bandits went off to? Once you’re closer, I bet you can find Kuthuler to talk to! He can fill you in more!” The stranger explained, generously marking an X on the map constantly in your back pocket, no matter how many times you’d attempted to throw it away. You gave a nod, accepting this fact finally after realizing the game simply would not let you break certain mechanics- like always having a map on the traveler.
“Shall we rest a night before traveling?” The male asks, still sneaking glances down at the crease of her bosom.
“No! No! I feel fine!” You assure him, pulling back from the table and starting towards the door. “In fact, I’m going to head out now!”
With each step, you hear your boots click slightly on the wood floor followed by the hearty clunk of the male following you, closely.
“I can take care of myself!” You shout back at him over one shoulder, not wanting to put up with him ogling your strange, feminine bits the whole time at you, but his footsteps don’t even falter.
Clunk! Clunk! Clunk!
“I would never let an adventurer as pretty as yourself charge into battle alone!”
“Of course not!” You think to yourself, scowling and giving a shake of your head, which makes the fur that covers your face rustle, strangely. You’re still not used to the fur coating what used to be skin, but in the scheme of this entire situation it’s just another fraction of the overall weirdness.
Written by Picklessauce69 on 20 June 2017