Species Change(Kitsune)
Now that the gender was out of the way you had another choice to make; your species. Several options appear on the screen for you to choose from. Your eyes glaze over the options, several pages of choices available for you to flip through. Deciding to go with the first animal that strikes your fancy you choose the “fox” option.
For a moment nothing happens and you expect the virtual reality game to be a sham. However, as you start to feel frustrated, a warm sensation, like a warm breeze blowing across your skin, begins to start at your toes and fingertips. You glance down at your hands, finding rich ebony fur growing around your fingers. You find yourself smiling, feeling a sense of excitement as you grow out your new fur coat.
After your coat grows in and under your clothes your face begins to lengthen, your mouth and nose shaping into a brilliant muzzle. Your eyes take on a sharper look, gaining a golden gaze. You are transforming into the perfect model of an anthro red fox. There is only one thing that has not yet occurred with the change that makes you curious; you’ve not yet grown a tail. Glancing up at the screen again you find another series of options has shown up on the screen.
This option asks for how many tails you would like your new form to have. Any number from one to nine appears on the screen, though you think the higher numbers would be more of a potential hindrance in this adventure game. At the same time you don’t won’t to be boring either with only one tail so you look at your other options. Finally you select the box marked for two tails and hit the submit button.
Another moment passes before you feel a tingling sensation behind you. You glance over your shoulder, watching with amazement as a pair of long, bushy tails begin to sprout out behind you. Surprisingly there is not much pain with these transformations, you note, but rather just a warm sensation and a feeling of being stretched out in places. When your tails finally stop growing you glance at the screen, finding another set of options before you.
Written by ShatteredBeginnings on 11 November 2016