Gender (Female)
Never one to beat around the bush, you go straight for the gender option, arching an eyebrow as a few more options than you had expected appear. Male and female are there, of course; but there's also categories for hermaphrodites and gender-neutral settings. You ignore the last two for now, focused on the first two selections instead.
While it would be nice to play this game in your natural male gender, you can't help but remember how all of your characters in roleplaying games are female. It's a dilemma, but one that only lasts a few seconds. Old habits beat natural instincts, and you press the 'female' button with a grin on your face.
The effects of your action are immediate, a strange sensation flowing through your form, like you've just been dipped into a warm pool. You look down and find that for form is beginning to change, your arms and legs becoming slimmer; your hips beginning to round.
Your scalp tingles as though someone's massaging it, and you watch as your hair grows longer and longer; until it hangs in your peripheral vision and rests against your neck.
You've never grown your hair out this long before, so this is quite a novel sensation, and you brush the strands that tickle your cheeks to a spot behind your ears. Of course, the most prominent change is the one to your chest, as a pair of supple breasts slowly stretch out your shirt, held tight against the fabric. You can't help but let out a small moan at the feeling of how tightly your clothing is hugging you in some places, and you hurriedly undo the top two buttons of your shirt.
You know that you should probably be more modest, given that you're apparently now a woman; but you also realize that you're in a videogame. The judgment of a few pixels doesn't bother you in the least, and you look down to find yourself staring at a modest pair of breasts.
Naturally, you let your hands wander to them, squeezing each gently only to moan as a spike of sensation shoots through your form. That was unexpected; somehow that really felt... Real, for lack of a better term. You grin and make a mental note to explore your form later, letting your hands fall back to your curvy hips as you look back to the screen.
Written by SketchySeraph on 10 March 2016