As you press the button for the wolf species, the entire world suddenly goes dark around you. The ground under your feet feels rough and uneven as something crunches under your feet while you stumble about. Your hands find leaves when you reach down, and as your eyes adjust to the darkness you realize you’re surrounded by trees. It’s probably safe to assume you’re in a forest at this point.
Just as your eyes are adjusting to the darkness, you find yourself bathed in a silver light coming from above. Blinking as your eyes try to adjust again, you find your gaze drawn to a full moon that’s shining brightly overhead. There may be other stars in the sky, but your gaze seems locked on the lunar orb without any understanding as to what you find so fascinating about it. It’s just the singular most important thing in the world.
Changes are occurring to you as you continue to stare, though they’re barely noticed in your trance-like state. Your hair is growing steadily lighter in color, becoming something close to a white-silver or pure white in coloring that slowly replaces your natural hair color. Said hair also seems to be growing thicker and fuller, though not as evenly as you’d expect. By the time it’s done changing, it looks like you have a something of a wild mane of hair, though nothing that couldn’t be managed with some work.
Speaking of wild things, the species change seems to be finally kicking in. You feel a breeze blowing along the top of your head, air catching against something that wasn’t there a second ago. They twitch and flick as they emerge from underneath your hair, your hearing becoming sharper as they grow larger. Your teeth are also gaining a sharpness you haven’t noticed before.
Heat starts to build up in your body despite the cool forest setting. It feels like a coat is slowly being added to you, a fur coat in this case. The hairs seem to start forming on your chest, intertwining, and growing fuller as they spread out to your limbs. A sharp pain in the tips of your hands finally manages to break your gaze from the moon, watching as small, sharp claws push through your fingertips. You’re also just in time to see the white fur working its way down your arms to your hands, matching the rest of your body.
Feel the call of the moon, child.
Your eyes dart back and forth at the strange, almost angelic voice. There doesn’t seem to be anybody else around, but someone else is using words to talk to you. Using them, but not necessarily speaking them; it feels like the words never actually pass your ears and instead go straight to your brain. There doesn’t seem to be anybody else around as you glance through the forest, however.
Do not worry, child. You are receiving my gift, my blessing.
Gift? Blessing? Your confusion is almost palpable until you look up at the moon again, and suddenly all is clear. It’s the moon that’s doing this to you, the one speaking to you now. It’s crazy, illogical, and yet you have no doubt this is the absolute truth.
It is. Now, make yourself known. Let all with ears hear what you are, and how proud you are to be it.
You know instinctively what that means. You bow your head for a second, feeling your jaw beginning to shift and crack as it pushes forward from your face. With a sudden burst you throw your head back, your muzzle rapidly forming as you let out a long, echoing howl that reverberates through the forest and the night sky. The howl covers the sound of the seat of your pants tearing to make room for your long, bushy wolf tail and completing your wolfish transformation.
You regain most of your self-control a few moments later as the surging wolfish instincts start to settle down a little. That was intense, and maybe a little scary considering how wild you felt for a minute there, but you seem to have gotten yourself back under control now. Still, you find your eyes subconsciously being drawn back toward the moon again, actively having to force yourself to not look up. The moon will not be totally ignored, however, as the voice speaks to you again.
Now, choose how you shall walk your path.
A screen pops up asking you to confirm your chosen stance. After considering your options, you hand presses the button that reads…
Written by LunaMoonstone on 25 October 2017