Your gender settled, your hand moves over to the array of species available. A few of the more exotic options catch your eye, but eventually your slender hand settles on, “Fox”.
A gasp escapes you as a strange pressure above your rear causes you to arch your back in surprise. Small hairs are emerging along the growing bulge as you bring your hand to it, the hairs slowly gliding along your fingers as they grow steadily longer and thicker. After a few seconds pass, your tail has grown long enough for you to see the white furred tip when you look over your shoulder. Another second later, a black stripe is in sight, followed soon by a solid column of orange-red fur. It feels oddly numb and stiff as it grows, but upon its completion it feels like a natural extension of your body. A few tentative swishes confirm your full control of the new limb.
Your hand is drawn away from your new appendage to scratch at an itch that’s suddenly formed on the top of your head. Actually, as you begin to scratch for some relief, you discover it’s coming from two distinct points. A small wave of relief flows down from your head as you scratch, the tingling sensation growing as a pair of fur covered tips start to tickle against the palms of your hands. The emerging ears slowly grow fuller and larger, feeling almost like they’re made of velvet as your fingers gently stroke over them. So entranced are you with their growth that you barely even registered that your normal human ears disappeared somewhere in the process.
Your ears tickle at your palms for a short while, though strangely the feeling stops after a short while. Confused, you bring your hands down in front of you and are shocked to find the palms of your hands are now covered in a rough brown padding. A similar padding covers the tips of your fingers as well, and you wonder in the back of your mind if paw prints are as unique as finger prints.
An itching sensation similar to the one that occurred with the growth of your new vulpine ears begins to encompass your hands as well. Small, fine hairs began to push their way through your skin, bristling against your fingers as you scratch away. They quickly begin to grow thicker and longer, your hands slowly looking like they’re a set of brown furred gloves. A similar feeling is coming over your feet as they race to catch up with the changes in your hands.
Your nose begins to itch, distracting you from the orange fur that’s slowly working its way down your arms and up your legs. You feel it wrinkle and twitch as if a sneeze is coming on, and your mouth begins to open in anticipation. The urge seems to grow ever stronger, but the actual sneeze seems forever in coming. Your jaw begins to ache as it feels continuously stretched, and in fact it does begin to stretch outwards. As your mouth begins to grow longer and more canine, your nose also begins to darken and grow slightly wet as well. Even your tongue isn’t spared from expansion as your teeth begin to sharpen and shift in your mouth, and you soon find yourself with a fully canine muzzle.
ACHOO! Guess there was a sneeze in there after all! You rub your new nose, hand also brushing against the small canine whiskers on either side of your muzzle. You’re a fully an anthropomorphic vixen now, covered in fur from head to toe. Orange is your primary color now, with hands and feet of brown fur and white fur covering your chest and belly. Your new coat feels warm but not stiflingly hot, and other than for your padded hands and feet is soft to the touch.
The transformation seems to be complete, leaving you with only your stance option for now. You open the options menu and, after much deliberation, your padded finger gently presses on…
Written by LunaMoonstone on 09 November 2016