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Your eyes began to be teary. You couldn’t tell if it was your sympathy or her frustration that led to it. Your tails settled down to a pause, twitching a little upon touching them. At least you learnt something about this world.


As you flipped to the next page, tears dripped from your eyes, landing onto the pages. There, she wrote:


“Why? Why must God curse me with this body? I could have been a normal girl with an affinity for casting spells and manipulating the world around me. No. Of course, you had to make me into a kitsune.


For some reason, you chose to put all of my mana inside my tail. Tails, I mean since you made me grow more than one, basically doubling my mana pool. And you know what’s the worst part? You are going to make me have seven more. Do you want me to drown in mana, unable to cast a single spell?


I hate this. I hate all of their looks at me where I know for a fact they are gossiping about me.


Where they are looking for my downfall.


They have already started. Excluding me from activities. Withholding notes and information. Destroying several of my notes.


All because of my cursed existence. I’m so sick of it.”


The following pages were hard to read. Seeing how Alice’s dreams were shredded to bits and pieces and how she vented out her frustration onto her book made you cry. These were your tears out of your own will. In vivid detail, she wrote her various attempts at solving it before failing once again.


Towards the end, she found a grimoire talking about ways to escape from this reality. After all of the humiliation and failures, she gave into the idea. With her final entry detailing the spell, she cast it behind her bed, bidding this reality farewell.


You put down the book, looking at your body once more. Now knowing how hard she tried, you felt a sense of responsibility. Felt a sense of duty to make her dreams become a reality. But you would do it your way, a way not bound by this world.

Written by lim2357 on 25 November 2024

Both Food and History

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