Here we go... by Rikki
Foxy by Eavna
Foxy 2 by TF_Gal
Befriending Bandit by TFGal
"I thought the island was abandoned" by catprog
Strange World by marissalikesgreenday
hmm this isn't so bad........ or is it by Draiko
Otterous! by Sock
Which type by Hank Sheffield
Griffon by Ai Dungeon
Try and communicate by Ai Dungeon
Hungry by Ai Dungeon
Dragon by -
Dragoness by -
Water, Water Everywhere... by Chrysalis
A Lake with a Secret by Anonymous
Mirror Mirror by Anonymous
Fight It by Luksinatriks
Chose not to drink from the water. by Luksinatriks
Reaction! by Luksinatriks
Continue sleeping, choosing to think about all of this in the morning by Luksinatriks
A rude awakening by Luksinatriks
You chose to tell him by Luksinatriks
You tell him not to risk it. by Luksinatriks
Say no, not worth risking it! by Luksinatriks
Say yes, the water changes you back! by Luksinatriks
Say yes, the water doenst do anything. by Luksinatriks
Go to the summit with Marcus. by Luksinatriks
New people by Luksinatriks
You come out. by Luksinatriks
You tell them what happened. by Luksinatriks
They believe you. by Luksinatriks
You investigate it by Luksinatriks
You try to interact and fix the thing by Luksinatriks
You decide to get a view of the isle. by Luksinatriks
See someone! by Luksinatriks
Say yes, the water makes you even more feminine. by Luksinatriks
Go to the summit. by J.B. BJkowitz
Say yes the water turns you into a sphinx! by Luksinatriks
Blame him for the transformation. by Luksinatriks
"Are you still you?" by catprog
"Nope..." and punishment by catprog
Mount by catprog
Fall down by catprog
Shifting into Gear by Zorpix
Shifting into Gear by Zorpix
Shift in the weather by Zorpix
A Seal by Catprog
Harder Than You Thought by marissalikesgreenday
Whale of a Tale by Zorpix
Radiance by Zorpix
The Author, Lycan Gruff by SketchySeraph
To the Woods by SketchySeraph
Investigate by SketchySeraph
Look At The Shrine by SketchySeraph
Offer A Leaf by SketchySeraph
Your Chest by SketchySeraph
But Your Ears Begin To Tingle by SketchySeraph
You Were Right! by SketchySeraph
But The Changes Aren't Done With You Yet by SketchySeraph
Offer Your Phone by SketchySeraph
Itchy by SketchySeraph
Your Face by SketchySeraph
Leave The Clearing by SketchySeraph
Run by SketchySeraph
Walk away by catprog
Female skunk sphinx by catprog
Pick up by catprog
Ocean by NovelAi
Bat by -
Female by -
A Viewing Platform by -
Sphinx by -
Eric, just your Average Joe. by vanillametal
Through the nearby jungle by vanillametal
Have a drink. by vanillametal
Something happens. by vanillametal
It doesn by vanillametal
The Average Joe becomes an Average Jane by vanillametal
Seeing The Truth by vanillametal
What now? by vanillametal
Search for food. by vanillametal
Strange reunion by vanillametal
Explain yourself by vanillametal
To find the others by vanillametal
Head to the lake by vanillametal
The next day by vanillametal
The search for your companions by vanillametal
Look up by vanillametal
Getting nowhere with this by vanillametal
Possible escape? by vanillametal
Touch the medallion, find your freedom! by vanillametal
Stay here. You can by vanillametal
Yourself by catprog
The arrival ship by catprog
First Night by catprog
Lion Pride by catprog
The three survivors by GoldenAltaira
Split up by GoldenAltaira
Back at camp by GoldenAltaira
Fight by GoldenAltaira
Attack by GoldenAltaira
Lion by GoldenAltaira
Caves by -
Jaguar Power Armor by -
Plane by Nero Hopps
Beach by Nero Hopps
Friendly by Nero Hopps
Trapping by Nero Hopps
Bunny by Nero Hopps
In the Morning by Nero Hopps
Vicki by Nero Hopps
Not Well by Nero Hopps
Waking up changed by catprog
Tigress Taur by AGhostInTheMachine
A Human by AGhostInTheMachine
Getting the lay of the land by AGhostInTheMachine
Dumb Creatures by AGhostInTheMachine
Go for it by AGhostInTheMachine
Village by AGhostInTheMachine
Attack by AGhostInTheMachine
Map Information by AGhostInTheMachine
Planing by AGhostInTheMachine
Morning by AGhostInTheMachine
Instincts by AGhostInTheMachine
More Instincts by AGhostInTheMachine
Ground Zero by AGhostInTheMachine
An Alternative to Escape by catprog
John the Skunk by ChatGPT
The next morning by ChatGPT