Jake's Story by LorikFurdin
not your average shopping trip! by Kibaoftheleaves
They get away! For now... by Kibaoftheleaves
They get discovered... by Kibaoftheleaves
Flee by Ai Dungeon
In the Morning by Ai Dungeon
Attacked by Ai Dungeon
Laura's Story by LorikFurdin
Visitors by Zodiac
Non-Compliance by Zodiac
Prisoner by Zodiac
The Choices by Zodiac
Uncertainty by Zodiac
Dor'Vool's Story by Zodiac
On the Hunt by Zodiac
Extra Characters by Catprog
PVT.hayes by caro
Humans always were rebellious by neonsilver
You can't sleep yet. by neonsilver
Flip by Clayem
The Dispute by Clayem
A Half Confession by Clayem
The Dream by Clayem
Wandering Away by Clayem
The Hunter by Clayem
The Advice by Clayem
The Story Begins... by Rikki
Battle by Rikki
Time To Ride The Pony!!!! by Rikki
Finally Captured by Rikki
A Choice Is Made, But Not By Ry by Zodiac
Matteus by Eavna