The Story Begins
Since this is not a first person story, please choose a character to follow:
Jake Warrens: the leader of a small refugee group that has converted an office building into a hide-out.
Laura Hawkins: a forest-ranger who's avoided detection by avoiding major cities since the invasion. She's mostly a loner.
Rysthin Dor'Vool: A seasoned radinri scout and hunter, recently assigned to earth.
Ry William: A 10-year-old mature kid who trained himself to fight. An excellent fighter, and not too shabby with guns and bows. A kind spirit. Doesn't kill. Is a peace-maker, but likes to punch first and ask questions later. Believes peace can be made between humans and Radinri. Is very good with animals.
Matteus Spail:Survivor from Africa
Written by on 01 July 2008
Jake's Story
Jake Warrens' room was a small cubicle that had an old cot in it and a hamper full of dirty clothes. He sat at the desk tonight scratching out notes by candlelight. Food was getting scarce, and by his estimates, the small group holed up with him in this office building would be completely out of it within two weeks. They'd had their reserves fall this low before, but each time it had become increasingly difficult to bounce back. Especially lately as more and more Radinri hunters had been seen in the area. Based on his calculations he and his small group had two options. They could attempt to break into an old grocery warehouse on the opposite end of the city, or they could flee to the south in hopes of better prospects in the neighbouring city.
Written by LorikFurdin on 03 July 2008
The lack of resources and the new hunters made the choice inevitable. He needed to get everyone to the new city. The only problem was how?
They couldn't afford to get stuck in the forests so that only left one option: the old highway. It wasn't ideal, but it was their best shot at getting there quickly. The only real issue was it would be well patrolled by the Radinri... assuming they were even still using it as a thoroughfare.
He told everyone the plan and to get some rest before they set off in the morning.
The next morning, Jake gathered everyone together to give them one last pep-talk before heading out...
Written by Ai Dungeon on 08 January 2021