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<br/>When it's over, you feel... disappointed? It wasn't bad—sex is never bad—but, well, there just wasn't very much to it. You've heard the old "wham, bam, thank you ma'am" joke, but you never thought you'd actually experience it! <br/> <br/>You hear him snoring and your stomach also lets you know you still need breakfast. There has to be a kitchen somewhere around here right? You pad away from your inert mate to explore the place. The first point of interest you find is a room with fully tiled walls and floor, plus some metal fixtures that remind you of showerheads... hmmm. You do need to wash up after your recent tryst. And once the scent he left on you stops being overpoweringly strong, you'll be better able to find food by smell! <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 12 November 2010

Female Shower time

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