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Shower time star star star halfstar emptystar

<br/>There's an iron lever, or at least a handle of some kind, near the center of one wall; you nudge it with a forepaw, and sure enough, gurgling sounds emerge from the showerheads, followed by a lovely, cool rain of water. While your fur is being rinsed clean, you bow your head to let the damned necklace slide to the floor; this does not work. No surprise—that didn't work the first time, either. Alright; for your next trick (after you turn off the shower) you scootch one forepaw up your chest and neck, rubbing against the fur, in an attempt to catch the necklace in your claws so you can pull it off. <br/> <br/>The chain gets caught between two of your claws—success! But to your shock just as you go to pull it off. the last part of the chain sticks to you, pulling your fur and hide as if it were a physical part of you. You can just about shuffle the thing clockwise and counterclockwise around your neck, so it can't really be fastened to you. But when you try a second time to pull it off, it again sticks. Magic, damnit! <br/> <br/>With a bit of effort and twisting around, you manage to get the necklace caught on a showerhead... and you still can't get the thing to leave your neck. Not being an otter is bad enough; not having hands is just adding injury to insult! Still, you do have that anthropomorphizing spell. <br/> <br/>Of cause the book is in one of your saddle bags and you need hands to open them... no. You've cast the silly thing often enough by now; you should be able to do it without needing a crib sheet. <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 12 November 2010

Female Cast it

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