“In the dark... We won’t be able to see, but also any enemies won’t be able to either.” You logic, giving a nod towards the dark tunnel. “Move slow and silent, see if we can sneak up on whoever stole that heirloom because they won’t see us coming, but I bet you they won’t be sitting in the dark!”
Then, with careful, slow steps you start down the dark tunnel. Instantly, you feel a wave of primal fear from being in the inky darkness, but you silently remind yourself of your plan. You know, in your mind, that it’s a smart idea.
Yet, in your chest, your heart is hammering with panic from this decision. “It’s gonna be okay... It’s gonna be okay...” You mumble to yourself, just in the air of your exhales so it doesn’t make a sound as you hold your sword out in front of you, using it both like a walking cane, but in the air for the curve of the walls, and also as your assurance nothing will lunge out and kill you.
Within minutes, the bend has curved towards a wider room with room diffusing out from it. “I bet that’s where they are!” You think, slowing your steps even more so that you don’t make a single sound as you creep towards the edge until you can peer in seeing a fire flickering in the center of a massive chamber with four goblins hunched around it, muttering between each other.
“A'dr dhon maar tuun mar! Ot! A kuugaan shorec duun!”
“Khruun! Dar't huun!”
Written by Picklessauce69 on 26 July 2017