You glance back at Baal, giving him a slight nod hoping he can see the signal before you start into the room. You take fast, silent steps as you raise up your sword. By the time you reach the fire, the goblins have turned slightly towards this whisper from your armor clattering slightly, but you’re already there.
Your sword swings down, slicing through the neck of the first goblin before he even makes a sound before slamming into the skull of the second.
Beside you, Baal has already fired off a shot into the fourth goblin, knocking him back onto the flames with a spit of sparks into the air. Then, together, your weapons collide on the third, wounding him and tossing him towards the side.
“Ack Khruun mech Mar! A hegaan! A magaan huuch! Ac tekec!!” He blurts out, holding up his hands and letting his weapon drop from his hands.
“Is this a surrender?” You ask Baal, raising your eye.
“I think so.. My goblin is a little rough...” Baal responds, looking down at the goblin.
“Speak common!” You demand, looking at the goblin with your sword glinting. “Where’s the thing you stole!?”
“Stole?” The goblin crackles, speaking in heavy, guttural common tongue. His fingers waves, jabbing over towards a rough, cloth bag by the dead trio. You step towards it, fishing inside for the item to find a small, gleaming statue and a heavy sack of gold. You heft them both up, nodding victoriously.
“Yehs! Yehs! Take!” The goblin cheers, bobbing his head enthusiastically at you, thinking this has saved him.
Instead, you take one look at Baal, meet his eyes, and you both thrust your blades right through his chest.
“I don’t have time for no goblins-”
Written by Picklessauce69 on 29 July 2017
The end (for now)