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Planning emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“ So what a few days, weeks?” You ask, you have already excepted your situation, you were trying to take it in your stride. But you had a life, family, friends they would worry. Heck! You would worry. You bit your lip in thought but you had made a choice, you were going to except this and do the best with whatever comes at you.


“ Weeks most likely, but maybe years.” Caulmon whispered the last part so soft that you nearly didn't hear her.


“ Years, years.” You whisper, as cold reality of it sinks in your stomach. You feel the cold dread of the situation weigh in you. Caulmon nods.


“ What about my family, they'll worry.” You say kind of numb to the idea to the length of this weird and scary journey your taking.


“ I can talk to them or get one of the others too.” Rika offers, for once she talk to you without sarcasm interlacing with her voice.


“ You wont be alone. I will help you, culu.” Caulmon says.


“ I will help you train you in your current form.” Renamon offers.


“ I'll get any messages back to you and keep an ear out for any information on digimon suits.” Rika says. “But that's it!” Rika adds sternly as if she was being soft on you earlier. You take a deep breath, you might be a digimon, you might be a girl digimon, but it was time to man up.


“ Thanks guys. Let's do this!” You say firmly. No matter how long it takes, no matter the years and whatever you change into along the way. You were you, and you were going to get stronger. It wasn't a debate. It was a fact.

Written by psto1464 on 06 August 2017

Both Training

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