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Training emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“How do we go about this?” You ask Renamon. You were back at Calumon's house, where they
had spent the night after finding out you couldn't go home. You had tossed and turned all night, before deciding to stick with your guns and train this body to defend yourself not only from Impmon but from yourself. Rika was inside having tea break, as Caulmon put it. While you talk basic training with her partner in Calumon's backyard.“


You felt your power fill up inside you before when you attacked Impmon.” Renamon made
this a statement and not a question. “It filled you up and you unleashed it. Without thought.” You winceas her cold eyes star you down, judging you. Your guts feel a twist of guilt when she justifiably knocks you down. “You acted like a child. Like a brat. Letting your opposition press you into attack, with a few words. You might as well de-digivole into a form you can handle.”


“Okay!” You put your paws up in surrender. This whole turning into a girl digimon was a blow
to your ego, but this was banging it down to zero. Gathering together what little pride you had left and looked straight into Renamon's ice blue eyes. “What can I do?”


“Nothing.” Renamon said, her arms crossed across her chest.


“Nothing!” You shout, you could feel your eyes bulging in shock. “Come on! I know I suck but
I can't suck that much!”


“It takes years to practice and years further to gain control.” Renamon tells you flatly.


“I don't want to stay like this!?” You yell with frustration you put your claws paw over your head, a familiar move from when you were human and had hair to run your fingers though when you were frustrated. You suck in some air and slowly release it, calming yourself down. “Just show me some basics, please.”


“What do you think are the basic.” Renamon stared at you her continuous gaze makes you feel
this answer was important. What do you think the basics are strength? In the ninja movies back home, they always had to run around a lot to train. Concentration? They meditate and think about the why's and therefore's and some big ninja master stuff. Control seemed like a good choice, but how to you gain control?


“I don't know.” You answer honestly, and rub a paw down your dry face. Apparently, with fur, you don't sweat but you felt like if you could. You would have soaked your fur down the tip of your drooped tail.


“Good.” Renamon nodded. “Then I'll give you a choice. We can start with your anger and
frustration. Control those and you wont have anymore outburst anymore. Or we can try summoning the power within you without those emotion being present.” You didn't see much of a difference in the two choices. You open your mouth to ask when Renamon continues. “They are the flip coin of one another, but how you go about tackling either is different.”


“I get to choose?” Seemed suspicious, giving a choice to someone who had no clue what they
were doing. She wouldn't set you up to fail, would she?


“I thought you would appreciate some control.” Renamon solemnly inclined her head to you. “I
can only help you with one, before Rika and I must go help the others.”

Written by psto1464 on 11 August 2017

Both Deal with your anger

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