I Was Looking For You
After hearing your question, he stays quiet for a while. He suddenly reaches up and descends his hood, offering you a large smile. He is indeed in his dragon form, and there is something truly disturbing about his large shark teeth displayed in a smile. “Why, my dear Skippy. I guess that it would be easy to guess, wouldn’t it?”
You frown. Something tells you that you are not going to like the answer; you look over your shoulder to see if your friends are still around, but it looks like they continued without noticing that you are missing. Drunk Murrs aren’t exactly the most careful creature ever. So you focus your attention on the magician, since you are alone with him now.
“While you were babysitting little Murrs, I was looking for you. You see, I am quite careful with my magic and the people I transform: once I did it, even if it’s just healing them, I always know where they are. It’s not a very precise thing, mind you, and it decreases greatly with distance, otherwise I would have walked straight to you hiding place and be done with it.”
He takes a long step forth, considering you carefully. You recognize the glint in his purple eyes and you don’t like it at all. You take a step back to mirror his.
“You don’t know what it is to lose everything, don’t you? Or maybe you do.” He chuckled darkly. “Well, say that you would realize that there was something, anything, you could keep from your old life. You would want to hold on that thing as a memory, would you? What I mean is that you are mine, Skippy, always. I am sure that you know already that slavery in this world is widely accepted: hence, you are the one that is wrong for running away from me.”
Now is the time for you to reply: think smartly.
Written by Clayem on 05 May 2016