Bluff Me, Bluff You Back
You tell him that no-one would help him anyway and that telling people that you were running away would be pointless.
He laughs. “Oh, my dear Skippy, where were you all these years? Certainly in some little haven of peace. I had no idea Murrs were so naïve, especially ones that are on the road like your ‘friends’.” He air-quotes the least word, and you find yourself
frowning at what he is implying. “Oh, you thought that I didn’t know of you? I have been watching you from some distance since a few days, yes. Do you really think that they were genuinely wanting to be your friend? Everyone is selfish here. They
only want to have you for themselves. A real dragon performing for them and all that for free? Who wouldn’t want that?” He laughs some more.
You feel your fists balling in rage. They became, over the years, the closest thing to family that you have. You will not let that self-righteous bastard insult them. You are starting to remember that he, indeed, took you away from your family, your real family. The only thing he hasn’t done to you was physically harming you, and he would have done it just fine if you wouldn’t have stopped him.
“But to reply to your very sassy remark,” continues Blurred once his mocking chuckle creased, “there are, indeed, many that would help me. In every town, there is always this very rich and anguished person that dreads the day were slaves will have
ideas of they own, and that treat them worse than dirt. A word at this person and there will be a bounty on your head. If slaves can simply escape and have no consequences for it, it will be a very bad example for the ones that are still in captivity, wouldn’t it?”
He could be bluffing as well. You cross your arms and send in a skeptical look, to show him that you aren’t buying his story without proof.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He waves his hand at you, as if your expression was an annoying fly he could chase away. “It’s true. But if you don’t want to come with me, I could make your life very difficult, you know? There are just so many ways to do that. In fact, I have an excellent idea right now.”
Written by Clayem on 06 May 2016