In the Libary
You smile and your sphinx instincts also agree with you. Perhaps there is something here that could turn you human. Hey you'll settle for what you were when you set off. Now, how would I organise my library if I were a wizard? you ask yourself as you enter the chamber, the clicking of your front talons on the stone floor comfortably similar to that of your rear paws.
As you enter, a disembodied voice cries, "State request!"
It's magic, you tell yourself. Don't panic, it's magic. "Ah... I want to be human," you reply, and you don't care for the raucous undertone your voice has acquired somewhere along the way.
"Human Transformation spells. Last shelf" the voice replies.
"Thanks," you say as you start off to...
Where is the 'last shelf', anyway?
"Go forward until you hit the wall and turn right" the voice says—and something in your sphinx instincts agrees. Right; forward to the wall, and turn, um, right. You follow these directions, and just before the stairs up you find the shelf. Very few of the books have a spine, or at least not a spine like the books you knew back home and you can't even read most of the contents of them.
Written by Catprog & Cubist on 14 September 2010