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A Spelle By Whych A Familliare Maye Open a Potion Bottel star star star halfstar emptystar

Well, 'most' isn't 'all', so you scan the few titles that you can understand --- aha! A Spelle By Whych A Familliare Maye Open a Potion Bottel! That spell must give its target hands, so...


Hold it.


"Voice?" you ask. "Have I reached the section on human transformations yet?"


"Human Transformation spells. Last shelf" the voice replies.


"Tell me when I get there, please." And with those words, you keep going. You hold the "Familliare' spellbook in the talons of one foreleg, so your gait isn't as steady as it ought to be, but that's just a temporary handicap. You look to the left and right as you walk, your remarkably keen eyesight picking up on every visible detail of the magical tomes on each side. This chamber is a lot bigger than it has any right to be, but before long, you spy a likely title: A Compenndium of Fysickal Alterations at Hand. Excellent! It's on the topmost shelf, but you can easily reach it with your free talon when you rear up on your hind legs. Standing up like that, you're no more stable than any other quadruped, but strategic wing-flaps are an immense help.

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 15 September 2010

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