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Which Clan emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

They speak in words you can clearly understand, which in of itself, vexes you, "What are you doing here and what clan do you claim?" The wolf behind you asks with a tightening grip. You answer the only way your disoriented mind can let you, "I don't know. I don't know where I am." They tighten their grip further, pushing the blade far closer to your throat than you'd like. With a snap of fingers just out of your current view they instantly let go of your just as you think you're about to loose your adam's apple.


A leader of sorts stands in front of you now with his paw about his blade. You can only swallow heavily in anticipation of further conflict. He speaks far softer than you expect and with a level of dignity you've not encountered before, "I will ask you myself young one. What clan do you claim?" Again you cannot answer because didn't claim any clan. You didn't even know what clans there are, let alone which one you'd side with. You can only reply the same as before, "I don't know."


Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 01 February 2014

Both A traveller of worlds

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