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Caught emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

With no purpose as of yet, you wander. For hours you wander mindlessly. The thoughts and memories of your first life as well as those of the previous world inhabit your mind like a viral plague. You just cannot shake that which you've been through. And, to make matters worse, now you are here; wherever here is.


You arrived in the morn on this world with it's single yellow sun brightly showing your way and now you stand at the edge of the forest with the sun descending behind you. A distant call echoes throughout the forest. At first you're not sure you heard it. As it comes a second time you can hear it clearly. It draws nearer and becomes more profound in vocalization. The voice carries with it a beckoning. It beckons you toward it despite the many flags going off in your mind. It could only be wolf in nature according to your ears and you simply must follow it.


Within no more than a few moments you stumble upon a group of wolves who seem surprised to see you, or anyone, here. You try to draw your blade in defense but their reflexes are far superior. With one fluid motion a single form comes at you, blocking you from unsheathing the sword with his own scabbard, drawing to bring his own to your neck. Just as you try to move away, you find that another form now stands behind you, grasping both of your paws and leaving you prostate and helpless in their grasp.


Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 25 December 2013

Both Which Clan

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