You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You decide to get something else. But what?
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
Play the VR Game
You find a pair of vr googles.
You put them on and you find yourself in a game, but which one?
Written by on 06 August 2005
Adventure Game
For a moment, you sit staring at the computer screen. The game loaded so quickly, that now you’re waiting in of an opening screen. The pixels quickly formulate themselves into the backdrop of an open field on all sides of you. The faintest motion of wind rustling the thick landscape of grasses ripples across your vision, but even as the distant landscape formats with the loading page, nothing but the field is there. You shift your head, turning your gaze within the virtual reality of the game to check to your sides, but find only more of the same rippling landscape there as well. The same, golden shade of grass sprouted up from the Earth on all four sides of your body.
Eyebrows knitting together, you try to figure out what is supposed to be happening. “There’s nothing here” you mutter, considering trying to remove the goggles you’d placed on until you notice a selection screen. “Choose your character” flashed as fading white letters in the distant backdrop of blue sky. You read it, though you’re not sure what character to select or even how to do that.
You eyes scanned over everything again, noticing that a sign had been added to the game off to the left, font sketched into its surface: “Random.”
Written by Picklessauce69 on 08 December 2015
You still can't believe the quality of this virtual reality game, from how real the world looks to the sounds of rippling grass around yourself, gently swaying strands that rustles in a digital breeze.
You look back to the small sign in front of you, a small frown on your face at the sight of the word 'Random'. In your experience, anything that was up to chance could only end poorly, and you begin to look for another sign.
Much to your surprise, before you can fully turn, the sign before you flickers, the letters twisting and morphing into a different word entirely: 'Custom'. You smile at that, a faint chuckle escaping your throat. "Now this is what I'm talking about."
You head to the sign and tap it, marveling at how the game was somehow able to give you a sense of tactile immersion. As you press the sign, it glows gently; and several new options pop up, far more than you'd expected. There's the expected race and gender menus, but also a series of odd menus, like 'stance' and 'species'.
The only question is... Which button do you press next?
Written by SketchySeraph on 09 March 2016
Gender (Female)
Never one to beat around the bush, you go straight for the gender option, arching an eyebrow as a few more options than you had expected appear. Male and female are there, of course; but there's also categories for hermaphrodites and gender-neutral settings. You ignore the last two for now, focused on the first two selections instead.
While it would be nice to play this game in your natural male gender, you can't help but remember how all of your characters in roleplaying games are female. It's a dilemma, but one that only lasts a few seconds. Old habits beat natural instincts, and you press the 'female' button with a grin on your face.
The effects of your action are immediate, a strange sensation flowing through your form, like you've just been dipped into a warm pool. You look down and find that for form is beginning to change, your arms and legs becoming slimmer; your hips beginning to round.
Your scalp tingles as though someone's massaging it, and you watch as your hair grows longer and longer; until it hangs in your peripheral vision and rests against your neck.
You've never grown your hair out this long before, so this is quite a novel sensation, and you brush the strands that tickle your cheeks to a spot behind your ears. Of course, the most prominent change is the one to your chest, as a pair of supple breasts slowly stretch out your shirt, held tight against the fabric. You can't help but let out a small moan at the feeling of how tightly your clothing is hugging you in some places, and you hurriedly undo the top two buttons of your shirt.
You know that you should probably be more modest, given that you're apparently now a woman; but you also realize that you're in a videogame. The judgment of a few pixels doesn't bother you in the least, and you look down to find yourself staring at a modest pair of breasts.
Naturally, you let your hands wander to them, squeezing each gently only to moan as a spike of sensation shoots through your form. That was unexpected; somehow that really felt... Real, for lack of a better term. You grin and make a mental note to explore your form later, letting your hands fall back to your curvy hips as you look back to the screen.
Written by SketchySeraph on 10 March 2016
Your gender settled, your hand moves over to the array of species available. A few of the more exotic options catch your eye, but eventually your slender hand settles on, “Fox”.
A gasp escapes you as a strange pressure above your rear causes you to arch your back in surprise. Small hairs are emerging along the growing bulge as you bring your hand to it, the hairs slowly gliding along your fingers as they grow steadily longer and thicker. After a few seconds pass, your tail has grown long enough for you to see the white furred tip when you look over your shoulder. Another second later, a black stripe is in sight, followed soon by a solid column of orange-red fur. It feels oddly numb and stiff as it grows, but upon its completion it feels like a natural extension of your body. A few tentative swishes confirm your full control of the new limb.
Your hand is drawn away from your new appendage to scratch at an itch that’s suddenly formed on the top of your head. Actually, as you begin to scratch for some relief, you discover it’s coming from two distinct points. A small wave of relief flows down from your head as you scratch, the tingling sensation growing as a pair of fur covered tips start to tickle against the palms of your hands. The emerging ears slowly grow fuller and larger, feeling almost like they’re made of velvet as your fingers gently stroke over them. So entranced are you with their growth that you barely even registered that your normal human ears disappeared somewhere in the process.
Your ears tickle at your palms for a short while, though strangely the feeling stops after a short while. Confused, you bring your hands down in front of you and are shocked to find the palms of your hands are now covered in a rough brown padding. A similar padding covers the tips of your fingers as well, and you wonder in the back of your mind if paw prints are as unique as finger prints.
An itching sensation similar to the one that occurred with the growth of your new vulpine ears begins to encompass your hands as well. Small, fine hairs began to push their way through your skin, bristling against your fingers as you scratch away. They quickly begin to grow thicker and longer, your hands slowly looking like they’re a set of brown furred gloves. A similar feeling is coming over your feet as they race to catch up with the changes in your hands.
Your nose begins to itch, distracting you from the orange fur that’s slowly working its way down your arms and up your legs. You feel it wrinkle and twitch as if a sneeze is coming on, and your mouth begins to open in anticipation. The urge seems to grow ever stronger, but the actual sneeze seems forever in coming. Your jaw begins to ache as it feels continuously stretched, and in fact it does begin to stretch outwards. As your mouth begins to grow longer and more canine, your nose also begins to darken and grow slightly wet as well. Even your tongue isn’t spared from expansion as your teeth begin to sharpen and shift in your mouth, and you soon find yourself with a fully canine muzzle.
ACHOO! Guess there was a sneeze in there after all! You rub your new nose, hand also brushing against the small canine whiskers on either side of your muzzle. You’re a fully an anthropomorphic vixen now, covered in fur from head to toe. Orange is your primary color now, with hands and feet of brown fur and white fur covering your chest and belly. Your new coat feels warm but not stiflingly hot, and other than for your padded hands and feet is soft to the touch.
The transformation seems to be complete, leaving you with only your stance option for now. You open the options menu and, after much deliberation, your padded finger gently presses on…
Written by LunaMoonstone on 09 November 2016
Though some of the other options do seem intriguing, playing as a different gender and species is enough change for one day. You confirm your selection for two-legged movement and finalize the changes, now finding yourself in your new anthropomorphic vixen form.
You spend a moment getting used to moving around in your new body, getting used to the new features and shapes. It’s pretty easy to adjust, and while memories of your old body aren’t disappearing, you feel as though you’ve been this way your whole life. It’s a serious credit to the virtual reality experience that this all feels so incredibly natural, you think.
The experience IS still a game, however, as you’re reminded when a new screen pops up in front of you a moment later. Choose Your Class, the screen reads. Pictures of several weapons and armor sets are pictured below. Your hand gently swipes through the number of options available, but finally you settle on…
Written by LunaMoonstone on 25 November 2016
The broadsword sitting next to the metal armor is life sized, and as you reach to confirm your selection for the Knight class, you’re shocked when your hand actually reaches through the screen in front of you instead of merely touching the icon. Your instinctively pull back in shock, not realizing that your hand has fallen on the grip of the sword and pulled it out as well. The heavy weapon wobbles in your hand, the muscles in your arm tightening as you try to maintain your grip.
You catch a flash of light coming from the screen, but your attention is focused more on making sure you don’t accidentally slice off your foot dropping the very sharp looking sword. Though you missed what happened initially, it’s impossible to miss when fragments of light surround your sword wielding hand, zooming together piece by piece. When they call come together, the light disappears to reveal a metal gauntlet that now covers the entire length of your arm. There’s a split second where you worry if the new weight will be too much to bear, but strangely the only change you notice is the sudden decrease in how heavy the sword in your hand feels.
Now no longer concerned about accidental amputation, you turn toward the screen. The armor looks as it did before, though the gauntlet that’s now on your arm is now missing from the one pictured. The other gauntlet soon begins to glow and fragment, the shards emerging from the screen and covering your other arm in the same pattern as the first did. The kite shield attached to that arm forms as well, and seems to be as equally easy for you to wield as the sword. The pattern of fragmenting and reforming repeats itself with the armored boots, and as they form over your calves you can feel the muscles underneath changing as well. There’s not much change in their size, but they gain a firmness and strength that wasn’t there before, as if they’re accustomed to the heavy weight of the armor adorning your body. The rest of the armor and adjustments to your body soon follow suit until you’re fully adorned in the armor of the Knight class.
You take a few tentative swings with your sword, smiling a little as you listen to the whistling sound it makes as it cuts through the air in front of you. You slide the sword into the sheath on your waist as a new menu prompts you to start your quest.
Written by LunaMoonstone on 09 December 2016
(Begin Quest)
You’re immediately greeted with the sensation of being smacked upside the head the second you press the Begin Quest button. Your vision blurs briefly as you shake the stars from your eyes, wondering what the hell just hit you.
“You know, I thought you were supposed to spar with a dummy, not BE the dummy, Knight!”
As your vision begins to return, you notice your surrounds have suddenly changed. No longer are you standing at a crossroads in a field; instead you find yourself in what appears to be a courtyard of some sort. The sound of clashing swords and metal slamming into wood fills your ears as you look around, seeing similarly armored individuals like yourself littered through the courtyard. Some are engaged with each other in mock combat, while others are preforming various tasks in full armor as their bodies get used to moving around in them.
“Come on, then! I’ll not have you sullying the name of our order with your clumsy sword work and shield skills!” Your attention is drawn to a stern looking wolf woman standing a few feet away. Judging by the scorn in her voice and the ease at which she scolds you, it’s a safe bet to assume she’s your instructor. The brown furred wolfess glares as you retrieve your dropped sword and turn to face your opponent.
She may call it a dummy, but the thing in front of you isn’t the kind you’d expect to see in a clothing store display model. The body of the dummy is simply a block of wood with small cuts here and there on it, while wooden arms made of thick sticks are coming out of either side. One hand wields a wooden shield, while the other carries a heavy looking stick. If you had to guess, that stick was probably the source of the smack you just received.
“You’re not going to let a piece of wood show you up, are you?” The only thing more insulting that your instructors voice is the cartoonish face drawn on the head of the dummy, showing a winking eye and a tongue sticking out in your direction. “Block its blow, then strike and get behind its shield!”
As you step into the arch of the dummy’s swing, the sound of metal grinding against metal catches your attention. Your wooden opponent begins to move as you hear this, its arms moving up and down as its body twists back and forth slightly. For something that looks so simple and goofy, there’s clearly some hidden mechanical workings underneath.
Determined not to be shown up by this dummy, you catch its first lazy swing with ease on the center of your shield. Your own counter attack is blocked, the sword making a solid, “SMACK!” as it crashes into the wood. The stick wielding arm pulls back as the body rotates, the arm moving a little lower. This attack you block as well, but your return strike is also thwarted by the dummy’s shield. It begins to turn back again, and you raise your shield in anticipation. Is it going to go high, low, or somewhere in the middle? As it turns out, it goes for option four.
“Again?!” Your instructor sighs heavily as you try to process how you just got hit upside the head again as you stumble backwards. The dummy did an almost instant 180 degree turn in the opposite direction, its weapon catching you off guard as it struck at your sword wielding side instead of the shield as anticipated. A slight growl of frustration escapes you as you see the dummy’s mocking face as it continues to sway back and forth. You have a feeling you won’t be able to walk away until you get through this, and a part of you doesn’t want to leave without showing this dummy what’s what. THIS time, you’ll get it.
Written by LunaMoonstone on 26 December 2016