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Raven Tower emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

There doesn't seem to be a door, but your invisible ears pick up what sounds like wind behind one wall. Time to get out of this room. You tear at the wall, pecking at it with your beak and clawed hands; it cracks like eggshell. When you finally break through, your black feathers sprinkled with white shards, you feel as if you're emerging from an egg.


The space beyond the wall is cold and dark. Wind ruffles your feathers; instinctively, you fluff them out to keep warm. The smells of water and dusty stone drift to you from the darkness. Looking up, you see a red sky streaked with black clouds. You seem to have arrived at sunset. Silhouetted against the sky is a wall, or the remains of one - little is left but a jagged spike of stone surrounding a single arched window. Looking down, you can see nothing but darkness between you and the wall.


Unexpectedly, the cold breeze comes around behind you to ruffle your tail feathers. You turn around to find that the costume room is gone. Behind you is the inside of a stone tower, with sagging floorboards only barely visible in the dark. The roof is gone; looking up, you can see a jagged circle of sunset at the top. The floor beneath your talons is a small shelf sticking out over empty space from the tower's doorway - probably the base of a bridge that's long since rotted away. If there's a matching shelf in the wall across from you, it's too dark to see it. Unless you want to try the rotten tower floor, it looks like the only way out of here - wherever here is - is by air.

Written by Chrysalis on 25 December 2010

Both Time to fly.

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