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Flying time star star star halfstar emptystar

You walk into the room and take a deep breath as you gaze at the costumes. there wasn't allot in here, but one did catch your attention. it was a bird costume. a Raven. you walked over to it and smiled. the black feathers were beautiful. you rubbed your hand on it and smiled. it felt just like a real bird does. You pick up the costume and unzip it from the back. you step in and zip it back up. The costume felt great on your body and almost felt like a second skin. You giggled at that knowing that it soon would be your skin. The Costume started to change you now. It fused with your skin and soon replaced it. your feet became talons. your face pushed out into a beak and wings were now on your back


The next part was about to come, and you knew it. this was a female's room not a male's. You smiled as that thing between your legs was absorbed by the costume and replaced by the new hole the costume provided you. Then you felt the breasts of the costume become one with your chest. you were no longer a boy now. you were a girl.


You looked down at your breasts and sighed. These were only here because you were an anthro and thus 50% still mammal. You were kind of hoping for a total bird transformation, but for now this would do.

Written by Dustomega on 21 November 2010

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