no touch
You figured that this wasn’t quite your field of expertise, so you continued to figure out what you could do to unlock the device. Since finding the piece of paper was an absolute failure, you figured that the next thing you should do is to see if there were any clues left on the computer itself.
The bright screen caused your eyes to adjust quickly, yet you still struggled to read what was on the screen as it popped up. “Password hint” showed up after mindlessly slamming your fingers into the keyboard. It sounded like rain as your claws tapped against the little plastic keys. That sounded like a good place to start, so you clicked it, “What is this?” you squint your eyes, wondering what kind of password hint that could have been.
“I should be asking you that!” you yelled aloud, “What is it?.. Uhh.” You typed whatever you could think of to continue on.
Written by Driftingdragon on 13 November 2020